New Guild get in on the ground floor

Hey everyone,

So I’m coming back from a long break and have several toons to 120. After all the searching that I have done I haven’t really found a guild that focuses on PvP (Arena/RBG’s) with maybe say one night of raiding per week.

That said, I’m thinking about starting a new guild here on Emerald Dream that is just that. A guild that focuses on RBG’s and Arenas (PvP) but still wants to push some content but that will not be the core focus. I don’t have a name yet or even 10 that want to join yet, but I wanted to come here to see if there was interest in people starting a new guild like this.

I’ve run guilds before but am seeking some help in starting this one, and running it along with recruiting etc. I would like to have at least 1 dedicated RBG group that’s looking to push rating, but would like to have 1-2 others that are maybe less serious and interested in helping others learn the arts of RBG’s and such.

Please respond here or look for Amêk in game, or PM me here.

Thanks again!

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The other place to check on guilds and what they are working on is in the Horde RP discord. I’m not sure if you have already joined and checked out the guilds there. Obviously there is a focus on RP, this is Emerald Dream after all, but it would be another venue to advertise your guild and see who is interested in RBGs. We have found lately, that the forums are not the best source of staying connected and finding one another that they used to be. Either way I wish you the best from one monk to another!

Horde RP Discord: