New Group Finder Not Working

The new group finder is 100% broken. Every listing says, I believe, “Pending” behind 5 DPS icons, a cold icon? and some other stuff? None of the listings have a title. It’s just completely and totally not working. At all.


I don’t have anything helpful to say except that I’m in the same boat as you are. Thought it was addons, but I disabled all of those. Tried to restart WoW, same thing. Attempted a scan & repair, but nothing.

its everyone not just u guys. Seems like a bug on WOW end

Well, misery does love company ;). But yeah, kinda figured we weren’t the only ones. I just hope there’s a quick fix that can be implemented…well…quickly.

same here :confused: i wanna que up and have fun

Having the same problem

Yes, I am unable to que for mythic dungeons. At first I thought it was an addon problem, but I disabled my addons and still nothing. I hope blizzard realizes there is a problem soon.

I wonder how long it will take to fix?

Everyone should file a bug report in game

Submitted a bug report here. We shall see how long it takes for Blizz to actually fix it

7 hours of maintenance for this…


Same issue here. I’ve tried clearing my cache, my interface, and my wtf folders. None of it fixes the issue.

Same issue, well there goes the game playing tonight. Come on Blizz get your crap together!!.

Same Issue. Some reason turning on mature language filter fixes it

Enable mature language filter under social options and reload ui. It fixes

Enabling Mature language filter fixed it for me

Only fixes the LFG for PvE not PvP

Plus friends list is broken too. nice update

This is not a just one person issue. My Arena pvp btag friends and my mythic plus friends and I all have the same issue and group finder is not working. It is on Blizzards end. Sargeras trade chat is talking about it right now as well.

There was a fix passed around Sargeras’ trade chat:

Enable mature language filter
Reload UI
Re-open LFG Tool, should work now.