New goblin stuff? (8.3 spoilers)

idk if putting a bunch of line breaks can stop this from popping up when hovering so here’s some extra text to hopefully help. i tried.

Spoilers below~

In Visions of N’Zoth, it looks like Gallywix is gonna flee Orgrimmar and Gazlowe becomes the new Trade Prince. I enjoyed Gallywix’s antics but I had an inkling that they were building Gaz up for something. I’m still bummed that Boss Mida never went anywhere. :frowning:


I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand Gallywix lore wise was pretty much hated by goblins every where, tried to kill the protagonist at least 13 times, tried to have us enslaved and was practically a joke in the warcampaign. Well… Now that I think about it no. He really had to go. I just think he had some cool diablog and a unique model at a times. He makes a great recurring villian.


I am all about likable villains and recurring bad guys, but Gallywix and Nathanos have no redeeming qualities. Gazlowe and Skaggit are my two favorite lore goblins. I will be very glad to see more of them going forward.


Gallywix in my opinion has some charm and can be a cool recurring villain, but he is also someone who we can easily argue should have been delt with a long time ago.


I hope to see Gallywix as a middling antagonist which occasionally helps us out for mutual interests because his humor is just so rich. He’s a jerk but fun!


I will personally ball Gallywix up into a wad and throw him into the sun. He sucks. He’s “fun” in small doses, like alcohol, but is overall a really badly executed capitalist pastiche.

I hope the first order of business is decimating his big dumb Rushmore head carved into the side of his pleasure palace.


I am sure we’ll see him again. I just didn’t like him as a racial leader. Gazlowe on the other hand will be amazing for the job.

The intro to Mechagon was a perfect example of a good Horde goblin leader. “Hey those Alliance gnomes discovered a thing! Let’s go kill em and take their thing!” Hazard pay and overtime for his crew and full benefits for their families if they get KIA.

He cares about the people under him but ain’t afraid to ice the Alliance and take what he wants. The Horde needs leadership like that!



Only problem is that Gazlowe is Steamwheedle, not Bilgewater, and the way this is executed really bad when you break down the Bilgewater history:

The Bilgewater Cartel’s Kaja-Cola CEO is stepping up to overthrow Gallywix. Gallywix resorts to more and more dastardly things to try and stop them.
The island starts blowing up, and the Kaja-Cola CEO (the player, btw) keeps saving everyone, and even establishes an alliance with the nearby Orcs.
The CEO is a hero, and more popular than ever. Gallywix makes a desperate move to hold onto control, but is ultimately thwarted by the Kaja-Cola CEO and Thrall.

But then Thrall decides that Gallywix should stay in power anyway, despite this being a matter he should have zero say in as only a former member of the Horde, and not a member of the Bilgewater Cartel.

The hero, the Kaja-Cola CEO, shrinks into obscurity and is forgotten.

Gallywix, the villain who lost but then won anyway, continues to be a villain to his own faction, and his people are too cowardly to stand up to him because, apparently, that hasn’t been a thing since the Kaja-Cola CEO faded into obscurity.

Then Gallywix leaves and Thrall the guy whose fault this all is decides that Gazlowe, someone who isn’t even a part of the Cartel, should lead them.


The takeaway is that the Bilgewater Cartel have no personal agency, they just let others control them, and Thrall gets to decide their fate for better or worse.

Will things be better under Gazlowe? Probably. But it really sucks that the Bilgewater don’t get to do anything for themselves. They’re being rescued, but it’s sad that they’re written as having to be rescued by others and can’t stand up for themselves.


“Evil/Amoral Boss” is one of my fave stock comedy archetypes and I think Gallywix does it pretty well. Hate to see him go. It’s like if they got rid of Mister Burns, Frank from Always Sunny, or David Brent in the Office. Terrible bosses that always seem to be able to escape the karmic repercussions of their irresponsible and selfish actions? Sure. But dangit if they aren’t entertaining in the role!

That said, I wish Boss Mida had gotten the job instead. She seriously needs more screen time.

And as mentioned before, Gazlowe is already a big wig in the Steamwheedle Cartel!

And while I’m sure he’s “better” than Gallywix, come on. He’s still a goblin. Hazard pay? Anyone whose worked a job where you actually get hazard pay knows that it rarely ever compensate for the actual hazards you face. Also, benefits like employee insurance tend to be paid by the employees as part of a pool, are rarely enough to cover the actual lives lost, and the fact that these are entirely non-negotiable means that the grieving family has no way of possibly getting more than what’s being offered. Take it or leave it.

Even Gallywix at one point has you rescuing injured Bilgewater employees in order to avoid litigation.


I will pick him up like a wriggling Wintersveil ham and yeet him into the ocean


Gallywix will design some fancy armor and technology for the Iron Scourge that Sylvanas sends after us from the Maw.


Boss Mida or nothing.


…Who? :thinking:

They’re a named NPC in the slums who has been around since Cata. A goblin guild on Wyrmrest, For Her Tallest, I believe started the movement to have her put into the game, since female representation was a problem at the time.

Unfortunately she hasn’t been important at all.

I agree with the sentiment about Gazlowe, however I think it’s important to consider that Cartels are companies, and Goblins aren’t racially divided by the company they work for, or are static in who they work for… as far as I know. If Gazlowe is a reliable businessman, why not hire him on to direct the Cartel who just lost their boss?


It’s tempting me to move my mage back to Horde. She tends to ping pong between gnome and goblin.

And I used to be in FHT during MoP so it really bums me out to see that Mida was thrown in just as a nod and then that was the end of it.


Did that quest where we did a road trip scooby doo episode with eitrigg and gally really happen or was it a fever dream


It’s the only good thing they ever did with Gallywix and even then he was fairly insufferable


Having recently gotten my Hordie to 120, it very much happened. It was absolutely terrible, and what a way to reduce Eitrigg into even more of a joke then he already was.

There is no way he can fight off both of us Vanndrel


She made a cameos in Legion and BfA! They’re small, but always a highlight for me.

The company comparisons make it even weirder, as Steamwheedle is kind of a competitor to Bilgewater. When the head of a company is sacked for insider trading or something, their replacement gets selected from inside the company. The government doesn’t appoint a mid-level guy from their competition. :stuck_out_tongue:

I liked Gazlowe when he was basically like Khadgar. Technically neutral, but obviously has more personal history with the leadership one faction than the other.

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