New Gnome Customization

I’m sure there’s more customization for all races to come! Gimme cotton candy and pastel purple hair and eyes for gnomes!

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I would love a purple, blue or green skin and some tattoos! Then I can really nail this Gnome Illidari look :slight_smile:


I hope your dreams come true!

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Seeing as more gnome customization is almost certainly on the way, it may happen.

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Gnomes were robots cursed by a magic talking squid.

If you’re trying to apply real world genetics to that, you know exactly what you’re doing and its time to stop.


All of the people coming out of their dank, dark, hateful closets must free up a lot of space. Now they can store more of their clothes.

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The skin tone makes sense for gnomes. Having them for dwarves and not for gnomes didnt make sense in the first place. No one is going to complain about a non magical race having a skin color that they should of had available in the first place. People who play Blood elves are heavily invested into the lore, tbh its a big reason the race is so popular in the first place. Blood / High Elves are basically “Light Elves” “Sunny Elves” and all that and plus their appearance is magically altered and not climate / biological.

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also sorry for double posting but this cant be all of the customization, its very minor. WE NEED MOAR D;!

I doubt that this is it for any of the races, especially gnomes. There are so many cute things they can do with gnome customization.



Gnomeregan was retaken at the start of the Cataclysm, and only the very lowest levels are still irradiated, such as the trogg tunnels. You can blame Blizzard for not bothering to show this in-game despite having the phasing technology to do so.

Also, those new customizations look fantastic! For Gnomeregan!

literally all ive ever wanted is a purple haired gnome

why must I suffer blizzard


Purple hair is coming. They just haven’t gotten to that part yet.


I wished it was more pastel, but it’s still beautiful.

There is also these.

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I like the short flared one!

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You can make brown skinned gnomes on classic right now. Why would there be a lore issue?

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Dark skin tones but still stuck with straight hair… smh… Lets just check an equality box and not worry about actually making it accurate.

I’m still more miffed at them taking the smiling face option from female gnomes, personally.
Though a peppy happy fury warrior, with cute little afro puffs would be nice.
Give gnomes their smiles back Blizz


Look at Twitter…

I can’t wait to customize as an African Death Knight Gnome.

Again, I understand players wanting this for Humans (to more resemble them in real life.) But did ANYONE ask for “Black Gnomes?”

Yes. :wink:

I just think “fun” colors (think “Trolls, World Tour”/whatever) would have made more sense.

Gnomes, often underground.

Gnome, city underground.

“Living near the surface of the sun”, skin tone.