Hi fellow WoW players. I’m a older gamer and at this point my knowledge on
comps is getting a bit dated. I think I know just enough to get myself in trouble.
I saw the below system and it feels like the best bang for the buck and will last a
while. Can anyone with more current knowledge give me any advice? I am looking
for a prebuilt, at this point I do not trust myself enough to try to learn to build
my own. I’m looking for something to last a few years, (4-5 yrs) even if I need
to upgrade components a bit over that time. I do also know the newer
GPUs are coming out, so that is why this one has dropped a bit. I don’t do 4k, I might
eventually move into 1440. I was hoping to keep the budget in the 1750-2k range
and this one just went on sale and dropped into that range at $1850 form $2300ish.
Any advice is really appreciated. Thank you!
Acer Predator Orion 5000 Gaming Desktop
Intel Core i7-12700F
16GB DDR5 Memory
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080
1TB Gen 4 SSD
I’m not well versed on pricing anymore, but the specs of that are really good, it would last a LONG time.
Just realized this wasn’t a laptop, i had a derp moment.
RTX card = about 800
12700f = 324
so about 1200ish in just those two, I’d say it’s a decent price.
though check your PSU if you get it, a lot of companies skimp on PSUs and you do NOT want to do that.
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Hi. I would not recommend buying a prebuilt from a company like Acer, DELL, or any other non-SI (non system integrator). I would recommend a system integrator company like NZXT, Cyberpower PC, or Starforge Systems. Starforge is new, but was decently reviewed by Linus Tech Tips. The difference between SI and non-SI is that system integrators use custom branded parts (you want this) like EVGA or Gigabyte and non-SIs custom manufacture all of their parts (not what you want) and they tend to be of lower quality.
The issue with non-SIs building custom parts is that if something breaks you’ll need to get the part from them or send the whole system to them for repairs. It can be costly and time consuming. Custom branded parts are generally higher quality and plug and play but if you do have a case fan go out or something else easy to fix you can just go on Amazon and grab a new fan and don’t have to worry if they used a custom fan header and the pins won’t match.
Also, yes the specs you’ve listed are very good and will get you 60fps/1080p on most all titles for at least the next five years. I just wouldn’t get your system from a non-SI. 
In before a certain person shows up and starts heavily criticizing and insults you for not building your own computer.
Tomorrow these guys that have a side company are coming to change my router and look at my screwed up comp. They are going to build me a comp with almost same specs you listed.
Im older too and just started loosing track of all the new stuff about 10 years ago. It is changing so much almost every 6 months it seems. I’ll let you know what they intend to do.
I am concerned about ssd and hdd - seems hdd isn’t necessary anymore? I also wasn’t aware of the PSU (what is that component?)
I do know that the gentleman (or lady) above is correct about staying away from the companies he mentioned.
PS - have done exhaustive researching in the last month.
PPS - Cyberpower is overpriced but apparently is very good and reputable. Almost anything from iBuypower runs hot. (I’m sorry, wrong company, meant Velocity, not cyber)
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Don’t ask the WoW forums, first of all. You’re better off asking a PC building subreddit.
Main things you want to look at are the GPU, CPU, and compatible ram with the motherboard. You can pretty much swap SSDs and RAM down the line whenever, as long as it’s compatible, so try to gun for something that’ll last and has upgrade potential.
Really??! Someone does that? Idjit!
Wrong section of the forum for that type of talk. There’s an hardware sub.
back during cata the wow forums werent a bad place to go for pc advice. some knowledgeable folks on there.
They’re talking about proprietary parts.
Digging into that PC doesn’t look proprietary honestly.
Dell is a bad one for that time of thing.
I just picked up this spec pc. I wanted to futureproof my computer so I could have it for a while.
CUK Stratos Micro Gaming Desktop (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090, Intel 24-Core i9-13900KF Processor, 64GB DDR5 RAM, 2TB NVMe SSD + 6TB HDD, W11H) Gamer PC Computer
If you really do have that, make sure you check your power connections
WOW!!! Thats fantastic! I want to futureproof mine as well. Where did you find it and how much? Looks like a $5000.00 comp!
Back during Cata, gaming was still kinda underground.
Now that it’s more of a maintstream thing, you’re gonna get the twitter crowd giving you advice rather than actual enthusiasts. Best to seek them out.
Cata was 2010, gaming was very far from underground at that point.
PS2 era made gaming far more mainstream.
PC was still more underground, but obviously wasn’t like a full on sort of deal like the late 80s. People kinda looked down on the hobby till recently.
In any case, maybe we shouldn’t be derailing.