New gaming hardware

hey guys, so i’m in a bit of a pickle with a decision regarding some hardware.

my Zotac GTX 1070 mini seems to be on it’s way out. i have a graphical line down the center of my character that is skin colored on the back and black on the front. shows through armor and when i have no armor on. The fans are on the way out as they rattle when speeding up or slowing down. i clean my computer case once a week so there is no dust and i have tried a number of fixes.

my build is AMD atm minus the graphics card and i’d like to make the switch over to an AMD card. i’ve been thinking of the rx 5700 but i’m worried it may not be worth the upgrade currently? i’ve had mixed answers so far, so i’d like to get an opinion from you guys too.

My card isn’t dead yet, but seems it is on the way out. i won’t have money to upgrade to the next gen as i live in canada and it’s expensive to buy graphics cards here. so my question is for shadowlands would it be worth it to upgrade my graphics card?

Current specs.
Ryzen 5 3600x
GTX 1070 Zotac mini
16gb 3000mhz cl16 Corsair vengeance pro
MSI x470 Gaming plus Mobo

Well, for one, new GPUs are just around the corner, under 3 months.

Two, the 5700XT is a pretty big upgrade over the GTX 1070; it’s faster than a GTX 1080, RTX 2060 Super, RTX 2070, and just behind the 2070 Super.

You can get one for under $380.

not in canada

the rx 5700xt is far more expensive here. sitting at roughly 550-600 dollars

If you can make your 1070 hold on for another 3 months or less, you may find either prices on current GPUs drop, or decide to get the new cards.

this is true. my power supply is only an Antec 500w though. do you think i should maybe upgrade that to future proof the graphics card i purchase later then?

Also, looking briefly at Amazon Canada, GPUs across the board are more expensive, not specifically the 5700xt

5700xt is around $520
RTX 2060S is around $560
RTX 2070S is around $700

Comparatively in USA:

5700XT $380
RTX 2060S $420
RTX 2070S $530

5700xt is still the better deal I’m your area, given it’s faster than the 2060s and only single digits behind the 2070s

Well, may be better to hold on.

The rumors are that the Nvidia 3000 series are serious power hogs and even need a special 12 pin adapter.

Maybe wait to see how much power they really draw

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