New Friend Lost Forever

There I am helping some new player out with where to find Chromie in Stormwind, then giving him a lift to the dark portal to start the WoD timeline. He states that he has to log for 20 minutes, and I told him that I will log on my alt that needs to do the same thing timeline. I remembered his name and his realm, but forgot to add him as a friend. I figured in 20 minutes I could try and add him, but the search could not find him.

No matter what name I put in, then add a hyphen, it shows the same realms, and his was not one of them. I was a little bummed out because nice people are hard to find in the game.


I’m very sorry, that’s always such a bummer. Hoping perhaps they reach out to you, you’re able to rediscover them, and/or that you make more friends!!


You came on too strongly!

Poor guy had to make a break for it


Try making a toon on his realm and every now and then use WHO to look for the race or class, you never know maybe you will get lucky and see his name in the list.


After you add the hyphen manually type his realm. Don’t choose one from the list.

Search is borked and has been borked.

Just do a /w with the name.

Yeah I did that…said character not found. That’s ok.

That just means the character wasn’t online. It’s not like a Btag. /who will say no character found if they are not online atm.

Write the name down and periodically check other days during the playtime you had with them! Maybe you’ll get lucky and catch them online

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It’s been a long day without you my friend, and I’ll tell you all about when I see you again. We’ve come a long way from where we began, oh I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again. When I see you again.

[insert music]

No truer words ever posted.

I met a nice person once in 2005 who was near the Stormwind bank, he kept spamming “Your a poop head!” over and over in trade chat, and then he was gone. I still sometimes wonder what became of him but at least I still have fond memories.


It used to be if they were low level the name wouldn’t appear if you did a who. I don’t know what its like now with the patch.

it’s like on You Tube when there is actually an ad i’d like to have a second look at but i cannot backtrack to re-view it

Have you tried putting an ad on Craigslist? Maybe call a private investigator, just make sure he’s not a goblin. If you can find out the guy’s plate number, you can get his address from the dmv.

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Check out Simple Armory to make sure that you got the name and realm correct. Type the name and realm and make sure that the toon that comes up is the one you are expecting.

Edit: the player may have given up on the toon. WoD is a bit intense for a new player just starting off. Actually I thought that all new players had to go through BfA.

Anyhow good luck, I hope that you find them!

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No joke, whenever someone gets cozy with me I worry that I’m now obligated to be besties and always know what to say and be funny. So I make a break for it :rofl:


If you dig through your wow folder i think somewhere in saved variables. There are files in there that i believe show every chat , maybe for so many days or something. then it truens into chat cache.old or something. Remember finding stuff like this when i was trying to fix addons for toons. Chat cache.txt i believe

Same for me. I don’t want to have to entertain people. I’ve had enough of that for this life.

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