You can only transfer with a very small amount of gold
Or just transfer only what is on your character sheet only, so gold, banks, inventory, or any items doesn’t carry over.
exactly, this is prob the best solution.
Make it a fresh server only restriction.
I vote for 100% locked realm never transfer in, never transfer off.
Let’s contain all freshers on this realm forever.
Realistically, Blizzard isn’t going to give up transfer profits. They probably already not too happy about not enabling Name Change and PVE->PVP server transfers in TBCC. And now some services being baked into Barber Shop + disabling Faction/Race Change.
They’re going to hold onto their precious.
Ban GDKPs now
Prepatch When!
Unless something is done about the bots and rmt, your crusade against incoming transfers is pointless.
If a gold seller botter can sell gold for more money on this server, where do you think they will ALL go?
Bots are so happy for the golden opportunity blizzard is giving them. They can’t be so blind to not see bots will flood these servers because their is more profit for be made.
i had my scarab lord in wrath when they opened the latam servers
many of us went there , did the gong and collected, took a month t obe able to get back to our servers but was worth it
or was it on tbc…? dont remember
Bot for 10 hours, sell gold for $50 or bot for 10 hours sell gold for $500 HMMM.
Fresh server will be OVERRUN.
Come on Blizzard this idea only works if you permanently prevent people from transferring to a fresh realm from an old realm and never allow boosts on the fresh servers.
I’m really glad to see that actual issues like auction house economy on servers, GDKP spam, lack of open world leveling because boosters and bots, lack of ability to do dungeons while levelling with boosting, and massive inflation are being dealt with by just adding more servers with no faction cap on them that after 90 days will succumb to the same issues But please continue pretending that you know what Classic WoW needs and you’re focused on a “Classic experience”.
Wow fresh servers? People have been asking for those I bet this makes them happy.
SPOILERS: They are never happy.
False. Botters are not happy and there are 2 of them complaining in this thread. For 90 days all the millions of gold they have in these broken servers will be useless, they will need to farm all over again. The only opportunity we all have here is to catch these bots this time…
They’re not happy, they are the anti-fresh heads.
What people want: More moderation and bots/rmt control.
What blizzard gives: Fresh server botters paradise.
This is wrong, botters will make more $ on the hour by starting on a fresh because they can charge loads more for their ill gotten gold.
just flag this dude, he’s probably a botter himself
Even if what you say is true, this only happens because the servers that are open right now are already broken. At least with a new server we can try to not allow bots to profit, since they already broke your server.
Most people who wants a fresh start servers knows what happened in classic, and will not go back to the game unless fresh start. This is the right thing to do.
If you don’t want to move to fresh, you can stay in your dead and broken server, no one cares.
exactly, at this point Holy is just hoping he can get all the botting benefits to himself, either that or trolling