New Forum Guidelines - Level 3 Trust

~ Does this work :slight_smile:
Now I am going to guess however - sadly that it is clever use of Forum Mechanics and that it’s not supposed to work.

Yes it does. :slight_smile:

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But thank you for giving me a solution I can at least fix older posts that came over.

I believe this ` is the symbol you want to enclose a link with. No need to hold down the shift button but it is same button just left to the 1 key

Should work fine.

Here is Trust Level 3 auto-linkifying of http links -

Here is the preformatted text way (from the editing toolbar)

It’s the little </> icon Also don’t forget you can drag the tab in the middle of the top of the editing window up to make the editing window bigger

It doesn’t :slight_smile:

I can link a forum post like this NEW FORUM GUIDE - SYNTAX AND FEATURES and it works fine. If you go to that forum sticky. Level One trust level can post links to " * Create links and video embeds to trusted websites like Blizzard websites, YouTube, or Twitch" if I try to post a link like based on the same post I need to be Trust level 3 to " * Post animated gifs, images, compatible video embeds, and links to any website" and I get “Sorry, you can’t include links in your posts.”

I am a bit confused here as to why you are concerned. You could not post clickable links to any outside sites on the Blizzard forums. Trust level 3 will give you NEW abilities you did not have before (clickable outside links, animated gifs, images). They are not taking away anything you had before. Just use the formatting to post the website and people can copy paste it just like they did on the old forums. You don’t need to be trust level 3 to do most of what you wanted in your first post.


I could post links - they might not have been clickable and until one of the previous posters came up with the ~ on each side of the url~ I could not post any links at all OR edit the ones on the posts. I believe the ~ on each side is likely not intended so no I still can’t post links without that workaround. I don’t need them to be clickable just postable. The ‘work around’ solves the immediate problem - until it is fixed and until sometime in the last 24 hours I wasn’t at “Trust level One” and couldn’t post anything internal or otherwise however that is an achievable trust level.

Also there are several concerns posted there - not just links. I encourage you to take a look at some of the other ones. Including having to develop a Trust Level 3 on two different characters, what is considered spam and the overall functionality of being able to advertise for the guilds and/or a player looking for a guild. If someone comes to the forums (IE New Player) they will not be able to post their information (warcraft logs) without gaining a ‘trust level of 3’ or know about the workaround OR have to wait to get to trust level 1 to be able to post something. I am sure I could work around it with wowprogress(dot)com to but is that the kind of limitations you want to put for more of a utility post for someone who might come to the forums just for this?

You don’t need any of that extra stuff to recruit on this forum. And if your guild is such it has its own website you don’t even need to recruit on this forum anyway.

Here you go - your recruitment thread. I see none of that stuff in your opening post so I am not sure what the complaint it.

Again please see the above bullets. There are alot of things that can no longer be done. Those posts were transitioned and could not be recreated with the current trust levels and I cannot edit them without removing the link.

But are you suggesting that any guild that has a website, that has a guild in world of warcraft has no need to be posting recruitment post?

Someone looking for a team shouldn’t be able to post a wowprogress link to their LFG post?

I am curious as to the reasoning behind that. How would a website mean that you couldn’t or wouldn’t want to come here to make sure you are reaching the World of Warcraft community?

If your guild is a raiding guild -very few people would even think of looking on the forum for information on it.

First people look here.

then they look here

and find your website and information

Last time I did this it posted the imbed w/o using tags:

Yup, still works.

Actually experience tells me otherwise
They use all of the tools.
I would say 30% come from the World of Warcraft Forums
70% from Wowprogress and other sources

The use of ` to post hyperlinks as pre-formatted text is something that’s been doable since OW rolled over to the new format. It’s even included in the New Forum Guide that’s stickied at the top of this forum.

You’re good use it as you need. :slight_smile:

This can be reported as a bug in the Website Bug Report forum. It’s something Blizz is investigating.


Keep in mind the trust system is highly customizable and we’re likely going to be making changes to it. It’s something that we can tailor specifically for World of Warcraft so it’s likely to see some revisions as we get used to what we can do with it and it’s impacts on you guys.

It’s still early so keep letting us know what you guys think of it so we can continue making the forums a better experience for all of us :slight_smile:


Youtube is ok at Trust level 1 :slight_smile:
and I love Benny Hill
If you have not achieved Trust Level one then you would not be able to do that
Blizzard Forum Post - These you can post after trust level 1 - also explains the trust levels and what you can and cannot do

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Luckily, it’s 20,000 posts, not threads. I only jump in and out for a few mins a day and I’m up to 2,300 in four days.


Thank you Levfathan for providing confirmation that I am not going to forum jail
and as always Ythisens thanks for the response I appreciate both of your time.

Uhm, Mirasol, I routinely posted external links on the old forums. Check some of my old posts. This restriction on these forums is new.