New Forum Guide - Syntax and Features

You are TL2. You can’t post pictures because that requires TL3. You can post URLs that people can copy/paste if you put the grave character (`) around it.

If you want to check yourself, you can go to your character’s page ( and add .json to the end of the url ( Once there, either search or scroll down and look for the highest trust level it show you; that’s the one that matters.

So I can’t even post a clickable link? I suppose some way to find out how close I am to TL3 is out of the question… thanks for helping but have to say this kind of restriction given how much I have contributed to these forums is really a slap in the face and makes them FAR less useful to spend my time on.

197: days visited
2d: read time
1h: recent read time
472: topics viewed
7.8k: posts read
10: hearts given
1: bookmark
105: topics created
286: posts crreated
119: hearts received

These three are all below what’s required for TL3. You need to have viewed 500 topics in the last 100 days, have read 20,000 posts in the last 100 days, and given 30 likes.

For reference:

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This is a test.

Edit: Wow, look at that. TL3. I made it.

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The thing is I used to LIVE in the old forums in the first 2-3 years of playing the game. Still doesn’t change my feeling that I really SHOULD be allowed to post images, I only put my stats up to demonstrate I’m not some rank newcomer.

The requirements for keeping TL3 are just as stringent as and the SAME as for getting TL3. Every cycle (which you don’t even know when the cycle ends) you have to read 20,000 posts. The only way to do that is to afk scroll. I’ve done it before and I refuse to do it any more. It’s really not worth it at all. I got TL3, then lost it less than 2 months later. So no, it’s not for me and if you want it that bad, then go for it.

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So basically, if you know html then you know how work it!

Whats the code for posting videos from youtube, at least for here? tried using the HTML code line and it doesn’t seem to show up on the preview like this

EDIT: managed to figure it out.


I’m pretty sure “regular” just means you’re flagged as a user and not a mod/admin.

You can also check your trust level directly by adding .json to the end of the url for your character. When you’re there, search for “trust” or scroll down and look for the highest one you have. It lists each trust level 3 times (starting with 0) so you can check quickly by seeing how many results are returned by the search.
3 = TL0
6 = TL1
9 = TL2
12 = TL3

Your page is:


Yeah I figured it out which is why I deleted that part of my post.

Most appreciated though! Thank you.

I didn’t notice that until after I posted. My observational skills are not amazing.

Yep. Trying to post an image link is probably the fastest for TL3 but the .json thing is the only way I know of for lower trust levels.


Thank you and nice tp meet you.

Seriously, this is so bad :frowning:
I did a great post for Timewalking BiS Gearing once here in the forums.
And now i spent DAYS doing a complete guide for Shadowlands. And i can’t even post it because of the several links to wowhead.

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Forgive me if this has already been asked, but is there a way to hide or ignore certain topics/threads? This would be so they do not show up on my viewing list, and therefore i do not have to sift through them to find topics i want to read. If this isn’t a feature, it should be.

Thank you!

I believe the only way that you can do this is to go into the threads in question, click on the icon of the original poster and “View Activity”, then click the bar that says “Normal” and change it to “Ignored”. That will hide all topics, replies, and notifications towards you from that person.

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Thank you for all this info

Embedded YouTube playlists seem to have recently broken, a gray screen that says “Video Unavailable” when clicked on. I found a workaround:

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I just came back to the game after a break and found the forums over-hauled. Thank you so much for this in-depth breakdown.

let me put pic on WOW forms i get a cat we