New Forum Guide - Syntax and Features

Im confused if you suspended in another game what’s that got to do with wow

Yes you are, I’m not talking about another game.

I’m specifically talking about these forums and the rules to gain level 3 trust.
One forum suspension (which can be triggered by one individual) and you can no longer play the forum end game with all it’s giffy fun.

Meh im too eccentric to care

So, just one, suspension in the forum, even a revoked one or a bunch of people flagging you can forbid you entirely from posting a image or a gif, hell, that is too much.

My guess is if the actual suspension was reversed it wouldn’t effect your trust level privileges. If it does I’d guess you’d just have to waste more of your time trying get something back that you shouldn’t have had taken away in the first place.

A bunch of people flagging you does not result in a forum suspension. It results in a review of the post by a forum moderator.

The forum moderator determines if the forum terms of use have been violated and applies the appropriate penalty which may be post edits, post deletion, or various time periods of forum ban.
It takes a pretty bad post to result in a forum ban for a first offense.

Yes, it can and I’m pretty sure it’s only reviewed afterwards by a forum moderator if requested by the banned person.

No Sir, It doesn’t. I have an email that can prove it.


Im not sure if im in the right area but I have a question… I want to start a new topic . I have pressed create new topic and have written up what I want to share with everyone… but there is no button to say post it or enter etc. How do I get a new topic summitted into the General discussion>

The Create Topic Button should be at the bottom left - right next to cancel - just below the text box.

And just in case anyone was wondering, if they remove a post of yours you get a note from “System” privately. No e-mail.

However they WILL NOT tell you what exactly your post contained that violated the rules. Just that it got reported and that “Staff” agreed with the report and removed it. They won’t even quote it so you cannot even go back an look at it…


I have a question.

I was temporarily suspended from the forums a few years back for participating in a thread that got heated. I don’t think I personally said anything excessive and the suspension was only 12 hours, so I never bothered to follow up and ask for it to be removed.

Is this going to prevent me from ever reaching Trust level 3?

I also have a question . So if you have met the criteria of the Trust Level 3 at least the specific numbers in question. How do you know if it has been attained (the checkers seem buggy) and in the event that you have met the requirement except for the below statement - how do you follow up on it?

As of today if I am reading the guidelines correctly I have met the other posting requirements, I have not achieved that rank (if the inability to post links and the various ‘trust level’ checkers are accurate). As far as I know I have never been flagged, never been banned from the forums or not able to post but also don’t know how to check that either and feel it’s sort of gray in it’s explanation.

Also once attained is it something that you have to continue with the same guidelines? (IE 20k posts for a 100 day period or whatever - that is still a lot of reading).


If you can see the Lounge forum, or if you have a new button to convert your posts to a wiki post, you have trust level 3 although it can take a couple of days to show up on the forums.

SFAIK, the only sustained requirements are being on 50 times within the preceding 100 days, having fewer than 5 forum actions against you resulting in deleted posts, and having no bans.

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thank you :slight_smile:

Congrats! @midgette - you’re trust level 3 now!

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Is the trust level based on the character you’re posting from or your actual Blizzard account? And I ask because I have the wiki feature leading me to believe I am trust level 3 however I get an error I cannot add links.

Trust Level is Character Specific and not Account Wide

Okay, so if this character is Trust Level 3 based on being able to see the option to admin something and make it a wiki now what am I doing wrong with not being able to add a link say from giphy for example?

the .json does not indicate you are Trust Level 3, yet

Thanks for the info.