New Forum Guide - Syntax and Features

General feedback:

  • There aren’t enough choices in the flag function. We need options like “offtopic” “harassment” “necromancy.”
  • We need a way to enter an explanation. Bliz put in such an option on name/post in game reporting, but removed it on the forums. :thinking:

You don’t. The brilliant developers at the company that made this forum software, “Discourse,” do not believe that ignoring others, is something that encourages “civil” communication. Victims of harassment, people who don’t want to see trolling that skirts the edge of the code of conduct, and people who are of vulnerable populations targeted by micro aggressions just need to suck it up or politely explain why they dislike something.

I know. I rolled my eyes too. In fact, I rolled all my hind eyes. :peacock:

Is the lack of block/ignore an out of season April fool’s joke?


I have not seen the answer here anywhere, but since my stats reset if I change posting chars, does my Trust Level follow or is that based on account?

I can’t say for sure but it looks like trust is on a character by character basis.

I definitely support restoring the ignore function and lament the fact that we have lost the ability to ignore forum trolls. I’ve played since December 2004, thought myself a regular forum poster and have accumulated less than a total of 300 posts. It is disheartening to see posters with a year or so in the game with 13k or more posts getting ranked on the trust system just by that sheer number of posts. Whatever system Blizz has decided on is fine, really. I just want the ability to ignore posters I know simply post to harass, distract, and annoy us in the forums. In 14 years I was ignoring a grand total of 4 posters, so I doubt posters were abusing this system. Please add the ignore functionality to make a few of happy.

On another point: Wow! The new forums are awesome!


How do you know they only have a year in the game and why would what someone else get be disheartening to you. Trust on this forum is based on activity, the more posting you do the more chances you have to annoy someone and get reported. So someone with 13k posts has proved they can follow the rules more than someone with 300.

omg ty for posting this


This text will be hidden

Experiment in progress.
I have no idea what I am doing.

Can you use @ mentions?
When a thread is in “Tracking” it mentions something about @name

How does that work?

@Whitecrow Did something happen?

Not that I can tell.
That do something?

Nope. Hm…

There doesn’t seem to be some other way to mention. I think something about characters might be making it funny. :thinking:

That’s a BIG oof right there.

I just wanted to stop in again and say I am very happy the new forums for you guys have been (for the most part) well received, and I am very happy that my guide has proven helpful to all of you. Sorry if I have been missing questions as I am busy with some things on the Overwatch forums. Cheers! (^^)v


thank you!

Okay so I can post on this character, I cannot post on my main, I don’t see where my trust level is at and nothing informed me of what I have to do. Does blizzard actually understand what the hell good UX is?

The landing page for the forums looks like some junk a college project will look like, this whole new forum is just cheap and crappy with an immediately garbage UX. Garbage, just like their recent blizzcon.


Just another example of Blizzard trying to “be unique” and just getting egg on their face. There are certain features that you include with your forums. Not including an “Ignore User” feature would be like not including a “Quote User” feature. For a company this large and that has been as successful as they have been, they keep making some of the most basic, ameture screwups.


For these two criteria is that within the 100 day period or the entire lifetime of your account?

Everyone’s prior bans and suspensions are not counted, at least before the new forums. If you get a ban or suspension on the new forums, you won’t be able to get to TL3. At least that’s how I’ve understood it.

This is not true. From Day 1 that the Dislike button was added there were several options when you clicked on it. One of them was simply not liking the content of the post. There was also the option for Trolling, and there was one other. The original intent was never simply to hide troll posts.