New Forsaken Capital - Stratholme

Idea from Das_Momo on Reddit. Stratholme is just a big waste of space at the moment. This would blow the Undercity out of the blight infected water.

Please make this happen blizz. It’s so unbelievably, amazingly, perfectly perfect!


Better than UC, I hated navigating UC. I would have blighted the city myself for its horrible design.


That is a pretty cool concept. Could have a fun intro quest to “reclaim” it.


That would be cool but that would put them at odds with the Argent Crusade who for whatever reason are not at war with them already


A hefty dose of blight would solve the pesky Argent Crusade problem.


I actually think this is a really fun idea! just to add more to it, where would you relocate those pesky Nelves to?

It’s a circle, with the bank in the middle, auction houses all around the inner ring with mailboxes right next to them.

From a design point of view it’s pretty efficient.

The only downside is the entrance.


Yes, I get that it’s a wheel but I had to constantly check my map to see which part of the circle I was at. I didn’t have the place committed to memory so all of the 4 different sections looked almost identical.

Then, getting into and out of the city is a pain for alts. I just fly in via the sewers on other toons but if you’re on a ground mount, it can be a pain especially since the lvl scaling means you’ll be pestered by the mobs at the entrance of the sewers when using that entrance.


They may as well have made the entrance use teleporters since the flying necropolis all do anyway (as does teldrassil for that matter). The elevators were a bit of a strange choice.

Edit: and yeah, i recall in vanilla you couldn’t even mount in there. That was a thing.

First thing you gotta do is figure out how to stop the everlasting fires that have plagued Stratholme for the last 17 years.


I think they should make the new forsaken city the ruins of theramore. they need to make their home on kalimdor now not a new one on eastern kingdoms


Yeah no the Silver Hand won’t take kindly to that. Seeing as the Argent Crusade had established two sizable bases within Stratholme and are continuing to maintain a presence there even after their merge with the Silver Hand. You’re just gonna end up with a lot of pissed off paladins on your doorstep, and that is the last thing the forsaken needs lol.


Yeah but it’s instanced.

*it is a good location though. Two Horde bases pretty equally spaced in comparison to the Ally bases in the Eastern Kingdoms and perfectly spaced between Stratholm and Ironforge.

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As a city of Lordaeron it is only rightful that the citizens of Lordaeron take it back.

I’m all for this.


No one take the human paladin serious anymore. Tirion get beat by a demon. Turalyon get his sword stopped by Ilidan hands and is probably the easier warfront boss…

I dont think that pissing of paladin is a worry for anybody anymore.


Do want!


Absolutely no- wait a minute. Why does that work so well?

Tirion was overwhelmed by an army of demons, and Turalyon simply swung at Illidan, there wasn’t a fight. Paladins are no joke lorewise, let along an organized army of them. That isn’t even counting the fact that paladins are a direct counter to undead. If the Silver Hand ever went up against the forsaken, the Silver Hand would slaughter them.


I’d be all for this. Getting through that keep would be kind of annoying as hell because you’d likely get dismounted? But it sure as hell would be UC elevators and their being no easy way to just get out of the city, really.

There’s a little factor in warfare that you forgot to consider called numbers.

The Silver Hand are an order of soldiers. Forsaken are an entire race that can be replenished almost at will.

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