Does crusader aura (paladins), DK mount speed and ma’ghar racial affect the speed of new flight mode in dragonflight?
IIRC, most (if not all) of those are ground only.
I’m fairly certain the DK and pally ones effect flying mounts. I’m not positive about the Mag’har racial though.
My impression is that dragon riding is technically more like a vehicle than a mount.
By all accounts though, it’s so absurdly fast that you won’t miss the extra 20%.
The goblin gliding is affected by momentum so I doubt they would let passive abilities affect the goblin gliding speed. They really REALLY want you to get motion sick so the only way to make your goblin glider increase speed is to pan down.
Its sad if all of those didn’t work… maghar racial is already weak, one of its only interactions should work… they are great riders afterall
DK and Pally do, at least on the Alliance side
This was absolutely incorrect. DK/Pally speed boosts have always affected flying mounts. However, it is unclear on whether or not if it affects dragonriding.