New expansion and alpha testors

I wonder how many streamers that bashed Shadowlands and WOW in general will get alpha/beta access??


all of them


Hi! The answer is all of them!


And they’ll all say it’s fantastic and the game is getting turned around.

And a month after 10.0 launches, they’ll say it’s the worst thing ever.


“Hey, Tim. These people who previously supported us got really mad at us and went after us for our bad decisions.”

“We’ve lost a lot of publicity. We have to show the community we’re actually trying to change. Maybe we should extend an olive branch to singular people who can affect tens of thousands or get millions of views to show we’re trying to improve the game and listened to last expansion’s feedback.”

“That sounds like an incredibly dumb idea.”

“That’s why we listen to OP on the forums. Losing those millions of views and potentially positive reactions as well as all the free publicity surely will help us in the long run!”

:oncoming_automobile: :fire:

That’s your rant dying in a fiery car crash, btw.

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This is why I ask. They shouldnt get the chance IMHO

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Just to be clear, most alpha testers are NOT streamers.

Most alpha testers are long-time alpha testers that are quietly submitting bug reports in the background, and nobody pays attention to them.

Lots of bug reports.



The only streamer I know is Hazel Nut Games and I think she is pretty fair with her judgements. She is not trying to be negative for views and I respect that, hopefully she will get the alpha and talk about it, report bugs so the game is more polished when we play it, etc. And the people who just want to bash everything in the game will stop playing and go away :smiley:


A lot of them will do that careful balancing act that tries to get the clickbait from WoW bashing, without turning people away from the game and harming their stream revenues.

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streamers make the hype train go faster sooooooooo… who cares if they test stuff?

honestly i think streamers opinions/WFR’s are listen to much and need to be ignored unless they bring something useful other then I CAN DO THIS FASTER/BETTER THAN YOU.

also remember before shadowlands how shadowlands is the best expansion ever? then after castle natheria it became the worst…

streamers profit from hype trains and HATE TRAINS.

I enjoyed shadowlands as a whole, just wish covid/DRAMA didn’t hurt development, and the player base was less GOGOGOGGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGGOGOGOGO FASTER

(like if your not a shaman/hunter/warlock, good luck getting a mythic plus as a dps even if you have tier sets/over gear trying to get basic levels of rating so you can get invited for keys you want to actually do, but won’t ever be able to because your not a meta class/spec)

I enjoy the game… but it keeps pushing the GOGOGOGGO mentality and both WFR and streamers benefit from this hurting normal players IMO.

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It’s mostly a publicity thing, but the feedback in alpha from what I remember was actually very well done and thought out.

I mean, blizzard ignored 90% of it, but yaknow. The streamers ain’t the problem.


They’ll probably be right though. Blizzard will likely do something last minute for MAUs that they know would get them reamed by the players so they try to pull a last minute sneaky-sneaky. Blizzard just can’t help themselves try to sabotage their systems last minute.

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That’s the thing, many of the streamers were actually giving pretty good feedback. Alpha, beta, there were pages of comments on the forums, shown in videos, on Twitter, all across the web.

Blizzard ignored it almost entirely. Worse, they took things that were positive to the streamers (ex: Torghast) and butchered it before live.

It doesn’t matter who they get to test their game. They’re in a bad spot because after two expansions of being ignored, they might not get good, free QA testers anymore.


Early torghast was pretty fun, I don’t think a lot of these anti-streamer whiners realize how different it was when it was being praised.


I was watching a lot of the earlier runs of it and it looked incredible. I believe this was before they shoved in legendary materials, so it was just a fun side game with crazy powers and some of the areas even looked a little different than any I’ve seen that made it.

Plus there were a lot more powers but they were worried people would feel weak after leaving it, right? Like one that stood out was infinite blink but you couldn’t move normally, and my friend was super excited for that one. Never saw it live.

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Its almost as if they are not giving genuine reviews and maybe just switch up to hatebaiting to get clicks once the attention starts to die.

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They don’t try to sabotage themselves, they just listen to the wrong people.

End-of-run loot was removed from Torghast because they took the time limit out. They took the time limit out because tons of people complained that they wanted to Bloodlust on every trash pack and take 6 hours for every Torghast run, and how DARE Blizzard design it to prevent them from doing so.

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The differences were over-stated, I played Torghast in alpha and it was pretty much the same as it was on launch. (And just as boring.)


This is true. But I’d argue that listening to those people is sabotaging themselves since they keep sticking their hand on the stove over and over even though they keep getting burned. I don’t know how Blizzard can consistently take bad advice and not realize who they’re listening to is not worth listening to.

I’ve seen Blizzard repeatedly make changes that mesh with feedback from the likes of Asmongold, Bellular, Preach, etc, when those guys do NOT know what they’re talking about. They just don’t. Content creators are a kind of hate mob at this point and their feedback is meant to rustle jimmies and rile up the crowd, not be legitimate directions to take the game.

I still see Blizzard doing it. Blizzard listening to Asmongold’s “make all raids relevant” thing is going to be a disaster if they push forward with this in 10.0 and 10.1. You can say people did old raids in WOTLK, but WOTLK didn’t have AOTC/CE. Nobody wants to slum it in old raids when they could be progging new raids, and newer content is simply much more challenging than content was back in the day.

As I said in the season 4 announcement thread: