They act as force multipliers, increasing their group’s capabilities (and damage output) significantly.
Force multiplier means premades are going to be even stronger relative to pugs. That said, playing support for a group can be a fun. I think our tank/healer/dps format would be much better if tanks offered more support and healers weren’t so tanky and depended more on support and less on just solo face-tanking damage.
This too was my first concern.
I’m glad you brought it up.
Well, there goes one of the flex spots on RBG rosters. Cool idea in general but i’m sure this is going to warp the meta…again.
They’ll be either totally useless or giga busted OP, gunna be a nightmare to balance
Coming from someone loves blessing of summer prot pally, even though it was an F tier spec
I might have found my new class =^.^=
Sounds like a shaman without totems.
This sounds busted for PvP. It deals accumulated damage instantly after 10 seconds. Depending on how much damage was accumulated, you could potentially stack it so high it can near one shot someone.
It will be busted as hell.
It will stay like that for weeks while “we gather data”.
It will get mild nerfs and be tolerable.
After two months it will be resolved to spamming buffs while doing no damage and only 10 people will still like it.
Feels bad for old-time shaman to be told support has no place in the game anymore, then see a support spec added
They are trying REALLY hard to make evoker a game changer.
I personally think they are learning the wrong lessons from FF14.
Yes, FF14 has support classes that buff the dmg of others…but that’s not what is appealing about the game. This will also be a complete nightmare to balance not only in pve but pvp.
I imagine if its too strong, you will see an augmentation spec in each party for world 1st attempts…and if its too weak, it won’t be anywhere.
It will also probably have a guaranteed spot on rated bg teams, simply because of how the spec seems to work.
Oh cool so it can take the seat rogues left compressed and warm (and probably wet).
What about the 100 yard teleport, or the one that extends healer range by 40 yards on their heals, or the passive mastery that can add 17%+ (yes add, not multiply by 1.17) versatility to 4 nearby teammates…
And they will have divide and conquer as well. A true “battlefield general” class, heh.
Bring the class, not the player.
I see where Blizzard is going with this.