New endgame content

Thats going to happen regardless. The mission could be “auto attack for 5 seconds” and people would complain because their a mage and dont use auto attack.

Make challenging solo conent and offer gear up to mythic 0/normal raid level (dont remember which is technically lower). There is our progression and cap, if we finish that then we can try the raid/mythic game for more gear.

Ive been kicked maybe 5 times in 5 years and its always or some stupid crap. lol
Once was for playing panda. Called ‘fatty’ and booted before we left the gate lmao.
Another one they joked about my mogs…kicked before we left the gate.

What ive seen more of is others being bashed and kicked for really petty crap.
Tank literally says its been a long time since he ran this leveling dungeon…takes a wrong turn and quickly corrects…“@#$ @#$#$# @#$$# newb” in the vote kick box and he’s gone (which left me walking too…find another healer while your at it, jerks)

when they can stop acting like petulant, entitled 6 year olds I might want to start healing again.

Which leaves me wanting to just be able to solo the dungeons in that ‘story mode’ so many ramble on about in here over LFR.
Just do it.
let me run all the dungeons solo, I dont care what the payout is…a few mats here and there will suffice. I just dont want to be forced to group with these clowns just to see the dungeons while its current content.

With how much some of you “casual” (lol) players play the game each week, 1 minor inconvenience per year is an insanely small number of negative experiences.

cute how you literally cherry picked what you wanted and ignored the POINT of the post, son…

I would prefer single player instanced content, similar to Torghast, that allowed single player gear progression. Also, the ilevel gap is way too large and need to be reigned in a bit.

Nobody is asking for raid gear for non raiding, what they re asking for is gear progression for content that isn’t raiding or Mythic +. Getting outdoor gear is not progression, its the base needed to begin progression. After that point people should be able to decide whether to go solo, small group, or large group with gear appropriate for each.

It’s really not hard, other games do it quite successfully. I think Bliz is just afraid how many people would do that content and ignore esports. Esports gets them free advertising.


Please don’t, please.

Ok. I understand you want more rewarding content to do as a solo player. The open world needs more. But there is an inherent problem with what you are asking for. The game is an MMORPG that has been designed with cooperative group content as its main repeatable content.

The problem with this is that WoW operates with the Healer, Tank and DPS model. They would have to design dungeons that can be completed at any role. And there is no way to create and balance these among the classes. Some classes will be a cake walk, others wont be able to do it. There isnt a way to make it a solo challenge, while also having it across all specs. The only thing like this is the Mage Tower.

And asking for a team of AI to carry through content, is probably something that shouldnt offer any rewards. That would be a story mode. And encounters and fights, are again, designed for cooperative group play. Unfortunately that isnt the game model of WoW. Im not saying what you want isnt important. But it isnt really what the game is designed to be.

And having a Mage Tower be solo players end game content is fine. But Raiding and M+ groups will have an advantage in there due to gearing.

Mythic Raiding isnt really esports aside from the Race to World First. M+ is only esports when you get to high keys, MDI and the Great Push. Otherwise, they are just the endgame content. They are challenging, require coordination, cooperation and performance to do at the higher levels. And with those challenges comes the rewards.

Asking for competitive gear to that level is asking for a challenge that is comparable. But sadly the only example of something close to that is the mage tower. And even then, they are very different and not parallel.

Now I do feel that allowing the casual or solo player a path to upgrade gear to the mythic level wouldnt be terrible. But the problem is distilling the reasons behind why you would do so, and what would be the requirement?

And for me, I just feel all the trouble would not be worth going through. The gearing and difficulty levels with gear levels are fine. Adding in challenging solo player content, could be great, but with all the classes and specs, there isnt really a good way to do that uniformly without a massive investment of resources and time. The challenging end game is built around cooperative group play.

Now I am not trying to discount what you want, but there are a lot of solo games out there, that really and truly offer amazing solo experiences. Challenging, engaging, story driven. I would recommend if you are looking for solo experiences, look to those.

I’m not huge on jumping puzzles personally (I think they’re ok, but they’re not my favorite), but I would be 100% down for corners of the world or instances that are solo-only and full of elites. Something in the spirit of the elite areas in Vanilla (e.g. Tyr’s Hand, Darkwhisper Gorge, etc) which weren’t technically designed to be solo’d but could be if one were skilled.

I don’t mind challenges, I just don’t always care for the group dynamics that arise around group challenges. Horrific Visions for example were cool because I could sign on and have something with some actual meat to chew on for a little bit even if I didn’t feel like dealing with other people.

Alternatively, group content could be tweaked such that the adversarial friction that often occurs in it at present is mitigated or removed, but I don’t see that happening.

Have you tried guild wars 2? What you’re after is literally the whole game. It’s tons of casual open world content, including jumping puzzles. Then they have scaling difficulty dungeons without timers. Let us have one competitive game.

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Is that what you think I’m advocating for? A solo challenge? Something a la ‘mage tower’ perhaps? That isn’t what I’m wanting at all.

I was addressing the OP and you in the post. For the OP its the challenging content and gearing aspect of it.

For you, its the AI carry mode suggestion.

For what you are asking, what if they added a mode, that dropped no gear or rewards, but simply scaled the current raids and dungeons down to a point where you could solo them on any class/spec with any gear level at max level. The mobs only do basic attacks, with little to no mechanics. And they are about as difficult as open world mobs?

You want mythic+ or raiding equivalent gear for doing puzzles? That just isn’t going to happen. The open world gear cap is more than sufficient for the content you do. If you want the higher stuff, do raids or m+ dungeons that REQUIRE the higher ilvl gear.

I’m an open world player, no raids or m+. If the gear isn’t available in the open world, then I just won’t get it. Right now, I’m enjoying the 285s dropping from the 3 world bosses. The little boost is nice.

That’s basically what I already asked for in my original post you were replying to. As I said, I don’t care about rewards. I want some sort of tour mode or story mode or ‘call it whatever you want’ mode that allows me to experience current end-game content solo.

I want to experience current end-game dungeons and, especially, raids, solo. I just want to experience them while they’re current and not have to wait two or three freakin’ expansions down the road before I can finally go into them and actually be able to look around and see what they’re like.

I want to go in and more or less leisurely take my time touring the place and getting a feel for what the content is all about and what’s actually happening and how it all ties into the story.

As I stated before, there is emphatically nothing I enjoy about trying to experience current end-game content in the traditional way. There is nothing… absolutely nothing enjoyable about that to me.

I wouldn’t think it would be too hard for Blizz to incorporate an option for players like me who desire this. I know it’s possible. They just have to want to do it.

I thought debating how terrible wow’s writing is was considered the endgame for most who play?

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I understand your point. Thanks for explaining it further. I think it comes down to the cost to gain ratio. By investing the resources and time to make this mode happen, how many hours of gameplay for how many people will they gain. What is the percentage of the population who play the game that would appreciate and engage with this content.

More than likely the cost of creating this, wouldnt be worth it. Because as you pointed out, you can do this a few expansions later. Im not saying that what you want is bad, I am just saying that people dont do much in this game unless there is a reward or power gain for their character from it.

As one or two others have mentioned, Guild Wars 2 really has excellent solo play and scaling. I know it isnt the Warcraft universe which you like, but it may be worth a check out for you. And their F2P trial is really comprehensive. Might be worth a go for you.

Greens that are slightly better than basic questing greens. C’mon, I’m a filthy casual myself, but playing frogger shouldn’t earn you epics.


I think we’re done.

Open world content should provide meaningful progression for players who like to play solo, yes

It should not provide gear that is on par with M+ or raiding, period. If you aren’t doing difficult content you should not be rewarded with gear that is equal to the gear acquired from said difficult content

If you aren’t planning to do group content then why do you need gear that strong anyway?

Nvm guys nikolo here hated suramar so it must have been total garbage after all… don’t bother refining it or making another more robust version in a new setting cause apparently it was flawed and a waste of time. Nope don’t add story and questing progression past lvl 70, just raid log and thats it.

It doesn’t, just a bonehead take by someone slightly coming off as a control freak.

People are under a weird assumption you no longer do content outside of raids or M+ the moment you’re decked out.

This would be awesome.

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