A new Elf model not night or bloodelf model. I am talking about high elves getting a new model that is playable. Their racial is the ability to turn into Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur or a similar variant. With the same features. To earn this new race to play, you have a short quest to do. Buy 10 items from 10 different brutosaurs.
Since blood elves and void elves are high elves…what would you expect to be different about a new high elf model?
I say we bring back the original high elf model. The old night elf but someone played with the gamma sliders model from classic.
Play as that. As punishment for your crimes.
The main feature the racial- Is turning into Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur.
I am imagining fat elfs. Using the Kul Tiran model.
Day elves
Low elves
Wind elves
Keebler elves
Half elven
The elves who really need a new animation rig are the Nightborne. Instead of expanding the animation rig used by the NPCs to a full player rig … they used the Night Elf animation rig and it looks kind of weird and quite different from the NPCs.
Dinosaur elves? What?
Earth elves, wind elves, fire elves.
I’m not going to dignify this idiocy with a response. (beyond THIS response)
No more elves, there are too many already and this game doesn’t need a 5th elf race.
Elfs are so damn overrated, enough with the favoritism. Hopefully Blizzard focuses on other races.
“BuT tHeY aRe AtRACtIvE” (pukes)
I rather they add Tuskarr as a new playable with other races. If we get 1 more elf variations, I’m gonna…I have no idea what I’m gonna do lol…(sighs)
If you count the fact you can elf your humies it would be 8 total elf variations, 2 more than the amount of fem troll faces
Assuming the harronir being playable is legit, they will also use their animations which is lame.
You don’t like magic 8 bal casting?
everything changed when the fire elf nation attacked

Elfs are so damn overrated, enough with the favoritism. Hopefully Blizzard focuses on other races.
I got some bad news about the next expansion good buddy lol
looks at all the races with their buddy dolls
When will undeads get a buddy
The joke seems to be going over some people’s heads.
I chuckled at the Brutosaur racial idea.
Wait… this IS a joke, right?