New Dungeon Finder being used?

Bro im trying to kick a field go here and you keep moving the goal post

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Nothings been moved, you have 0 logs and don’t even play this game. Sod off.

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Omg no logs!!! That means i dont matter. Omg only people with logs can have an opinion


Only people that play the game get to have an opinion about it.


How much money in GDKP’s have you spent for your logs?? How much money did your opinion cost??

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Are you in beta? Have you experienced the new LFG system? Are people using it?

My fear nothing much will change and we’ll just get something that is overly convoluted of what we already have in tbc.

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I watch scottiejay and metagoblin. They use it and its fine. Everything will be fine.


Its more like retails which is used for everything and works great.


I only carry in GDKPs, this druid only goes to my guilds main raids. Did you have a point?

Okay, I’m actually in the beta and the tool is trash.


So no
got it. I too have access to live streams
Not very hopeful for it from what ive seen.


What dont you like about it?? That its not automatic? No teleport? What has you concerned?

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The fact that it takes 10x longer than just using RDF which was an actual feature of wrath and not something copy pasted from retail.


then dont play wrath classic then. Go play whitemane

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Cute coming from someone that doesn’t play the current game.

So bc i havent started raiding yet on my fresh 70 ( guild raids fri and sat) i dont play the game?? So have to be a dedicated raid logger to be considered playing the game lol come on bruh

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Games been out for years, you’ve done nothing. Opinion irrelevant.


The fact it appears to be just on overly convoluted system of what we already have in tbc that nobody uses as it is simply not a good tool
So I posed this question in the forums hoping to reach out to people who are actually in beta to give their thoughts on it as Aedd has done.


Winding back a bit the new tool is functional, the overall BETA population isn’t high enough yet for consistent use but it’s still much slower to form and run a group using this tool than it would be with RDF. I still don’t understand why they let people queue as whatever role they want, tanks are tanks, healers are healers, there’s no reason to let a warrior queue as heals, or a mage to queue as a tank, just convolutes the tool even more.

This is the same type of person that is flipping tables over groups using gear score in pugs. Total hypocrite what a joke.

Oh god its trying to respond to me. We get it dude you are an elitist hypocrite, the only way you will accept someone’s views is if they are in full sunwell bis or whatever else you decree necessary as you move your goal posts even further. Obvious troll is obvious.

Why do tauren posters always have the absolute worst takes on everything?

Why would I care about gearscore? I keep my gear current. Yikes that 36.3 avg in BT with a one button class.