the world is ready for a new Duke Nukem game.
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Hozen approve, since they’ll nukem in the duker
I’ll let myself out
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I want a new Redneck Rampage!
It is amazing how many people don’t know what a hushpuppy is.
Shadow Warrior and Hexen, too. Those late 90s to early 00s games were the best.
Eh, I’d rather see Blood get a squeal with the team from Blood 1 developing it. But weirdly enough no one seems to know who owns the rights to Blood and Monolith lost their way awhile ago. At least we have Death Wish and a big update for it is actively being worked on for it. The guy who made death wish is posting updates on x as @BloodDeathWish and at this point is a full on expansion for Blood and not a simple map pack.