New Dragon's roar

Dragon’s roar currently on alpha is hitting INSANELY hard as fury. Pop rampage then dragon’s roar. It was critting for over 5k. That is about 25percent of someone’s hp currently on alpha with gear (tank not included).

Warrior HYPE.


I’m super excited now, thanks for posting this. Also it looks like execute has a cool new animations.

Tuning hasn’t happened, if you reroll based on a spec’s ALPHA damage prepare to get sad when they likely bring you back in line.


As a talent, it does 3times normal crit damage and always crits. So far it’s the highest burst Gcd you can do.

Are you sure about that last part? Because I haven’t seen that said in any Alpha video rundown, nor does the tooltip wording suggest it. It reads like the Outlaw Rogue ability Between the Eyes, not like the auto-crits on Destro Warlock’s Chaos Bolt.

The best part is the 30 second CD so it now lines up with siegebreaker .

I remember the same hype Dragon Roar got when it was first introduced into the game. It was really over hyped because of Alpha and Beta that when the game went live, it was stealth nerfed during the patching.

As one person pointed out, numbers aren’t even finalized. Even if it is hype, watch out, that hype will come crashing down during the damage pass and then watch people asking what happened to the damage they saw on alpha and beta.

it is on the latest warrior changes. Dalarangaming shows it in action on his video.

Yes, I’ve read those changes and watched that video. Pay attention to the part I highlighted. All of those confirm the “Does triple damage on a crit” part, NONE of them mention that it “always crits”.

I haven’t played fury in a long time, but doesn’t it currently always crit and the tooltip not state it crits?
It is a guarantee crit still. Every streamer ect that has used it has always crit. So unless they are all getting super lucky…
And the wording you have is incorrect.
“Roar explosively, dealing (170% of Attack power) Physical damage to all enemies within 12 yds. Dragon Roar critically strikes for 3 times normal damage.” is the exact tooltip change.
That could be inferred as it will crit and do 3x damage. either way it is a good change. I am not understanding the backlash on this.

Definitely not.
Roar explosively, dealing (170% of Attack power) Physical damage to all enemies within 12 yds and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 6 sec. Generates 10 Rage.
I checked a log just to be certain and I’ve definitely got DR’s that didn’t crit. I’m not going to check but I recall it being a guaranteed crit back in Legion, may be what you’re thinking of.

I did go check, and yes that did used to be the case. But it isn’t true anymore and hasn’t been reverted for SL.

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Can confirm on alpha it does not guarantee crit but hits hard when it does for sure.

Dang, that is sad. Guess crit will be very important to fury again, especially with that talent.

You’re got it backwards. If there’s a Fury build that emphasizes Crit, then this talent will definitely be the best pick on the row. I highly doubt that just Dragon Roar doing a bit of extra damage on a crit will be enough to make it a top stat again.

Which is not to say such a build isn’t possible. There’s also the new Seethe talent that gives a little extra rage on Bloodthirst crits. But again, it’s a rather small benefit. These talents are things that would become automatic picks if you’ve got a build that already wants Crit. They don’t look to be strong enough to enable such a build on their own, though. Not unless the margin between, say, a Crit build and a Haste build is super narrow to begin with.

Crit or no crit, DR feels like it’s the go-to on that row for ST. Meanwhile Meat Cleaver looks positively beautiful for everything else.

I kind of wonder if Meat Cleaver will be good for ST in the first tier or two, when we have less Haste and are using more WW fillers. But that’s a question for the theorycrafters and sims to resolve. If they’re close enough I may default to MC just to save bar space and make my rotation a little bit simpler. But that’s a choice for me personally, since maximizing my DPS at all costs isn’t my top priority.

OTOH, I expect DR will be the go-to pick for PvP. Anything with the chance for hilarious burst damage is good in PvP.

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True, but BS still breaks roots and snares.

So it depends on your team comp and the current meta, I suppose. Well academic to me, I hardly PvP these days.

Reminds me of MoP dragon’s roar, just a big fat nuke. Very fun in PvP, though crits were cut in half in WoD. Wish arms could get it too.