The games is still buggy as heck, I just got kicked off the server in the DK starting area (at the boat), come back and I’m dead (of course) and now ,even though i’m standing DIRECTLY on top of my body, I can’t rez.
How long does the content in this game need to be active before we can expect a bug free experience??
Wrath has been out, what, 15 years or so???
Logged back in and had to eat a spirit rez and have the 10 minute debuff,
Hey Ion, your game is trash bro, fix it, it’s shameful at this point the amount of neglect the rest of the game has had outside of raiding.
you didn’t know?
Blizzard made it so that only two of that mount can be within sight of each other at any time. More than that and the mount is unusable.
I don’t box. And I’m actually curious why anyone would have more than 1 account unless they planned on boxxing or botting? Is there something I’m missing? Because I see tons of people who talk about their ‘multiple accounts’. I’ve been playing this game for 15 years and can’t come up with a single reason to pay for another account.
I am over it, got my mount since I did the DK starting area in WOTLK as soon as it went live. The mount is cool. I would not worry about everyone having it, since we will all be on our Drakes as soon as DF comes out and they will eventually all be mostly unique.
This is actually a concern of mine. The drakes seem to be unarguably better for most circumstances. So all these mounts that put a lot of time and energy into and I love and want to use … do I have to spend twice as long to ride them if I want to? Or am I now stuck with just the new drake if I don’t want to gimp myself.
The drakes are going to be like Pocopoc, we will find customizations and then modify our drakes’ appearances. I already have a ton of mounts that I never use, so it won’t matter much to me.
But pulling out poc-man does not prevent me from having my desired companion out as well. Riding a drake will disallow me from ride the mount it want to.
THis is the same logic people use to complain about people getting 10,000 dollars knocked off their student loans lmao oh because I paid mine off the hard way, everyone else deserve the suffer the same fate.
Look kid.
Zero people care about digital rewards and incentives. We all enjoy getting stuff. Period. For you to whine and carry on about other people having access to rewards is petty and childish. This is a digital world and there are no limits to rewards other than arbitrary lines of oppression created by random prejudices and assumptions.
The fact of the matter is that people are allowed to feel accomplished and rewarded at various levels and circumstances. You are complaining for the sake of complaining. Ok.
This is the same logic Mcdonalds workers used to try to get paid more than people who actually work hard. Just because I make more than you doesn’t mean you get to cry until you get the same.
I solo a lot, I’ve never really been one for group content (having had too many really bad experiences in my early days of WoW).
I dual-box (really not to be confused with “botting” which is something completely different.
I have two computers, two keyboards, two mouses (well, trackballs), and an extra little USB NumPad.
I enjoy being able to take on slightly harder content (“harder” is very subjective here… I mean as an ultra-casual player) with two toons. I control each one, I can use different spells since I have everything set to my NumPad for my 2nd computer.
I happen to have 2 computers because of my work, so it’s not like I went out and got one just for WoW.
We don’t go out to movies and stuff, I’m pretty much stay-at-home because of my health, so I don’t mind paying for two WoW accounts. I pay in 6-month installments, since it’s a bit cheaper.
Having multiple accounts also allows me to have as many race/class combos as I want. All of my toons are on one of the two linked realms I play on (The Scryers and Argent Dawn). I even keep my Alliance toons on one realm, while my horde toons are on the other.
I don’t know. It’s where I find my pleasure.
I have done some group content, a bit, not much. I still find people in groups too toxic. (I was kicked from a Timewalking group seconds before the final boss died, meaning I didn’t get my timewalking coins for that one, nor the completion exp. boost. NO idea why. As far as I know I wasn’t playing badly, doing damage, tossing an extra heal every once in a while when my damage input was not crucial, to help the healer. maybe that was my error.)