New Desolate council

If Sylvanas doesn’t return any time soon this is how the Forsaken leadership should look like:

  • Grand Executor Mortuus.
  • the Black Bride
  • Alexi Barov
  • Dark Ranger Alina
  • Delaryn Summermoon
  • Captain Amalia Stone
  • Annie Lansing

As you can see neither Voss or Calia is here since these two are alliance plants.

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So far, it kinda holds together with Voss, Caila, Faranell, Belmont, and Velonara holding leadership in different parts of the Forsaken. :robot:

Not sure Natalie Seline should be included even if the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow was a Forsaken religion. :pinching_hand::robot:

Maybe the Leper Gnomes could hold a position as it’s possible to stir conflict against Overspark. :memo::robot:

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I reject them all. They only exists to make peace with the alliance which is not an option for as long as they occupy our lands.

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…until the night elves leave to live on the Dragon Isles, what alliance will there be?


Pretty sure Farnall, Delmot, Velonara and Voss hate the alliance.

It was only Calia who made the suggestion concerning gilneas


That will not happen. Ashenvale is their home.

Velonara and Voss support Calia. It seems you don’t pay alot of attention during the Lordaeron questline.


Oh, I’ve done the questline. You’re just being over the top outlandish again.

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Ironically, for all she’s been pushed as the Forsaken’s focus character since Sylvanas dipped, Voss is probably the most redundant member of the council. She’s a tagalong assassin with zero political influence and her nominal boss, the Deathstalker commander, is already a council member. She should’ve ceded her spot to a Grand Executor; it’s like if the blood elves restored their Convocation and Valeera Sanguinar got a seat instead of Halduron Brightwing.

The CoFS is another point. Maybe exploring its mysteries and representing its interests is a hook for Calia.


Velonara knew an alliance intruder was hiding but didn’t say anything. And it was Voss who invited Calia to be part of the council. Belmont and Faranell are a minority with their opinion. The majority suopports the unjust peace so that means the entire council must be replaced with better people which I suggestet in my original post above.

Personally think aethelyste should have gotten a seat over voss or calia, but overall happy with the council members


Isn’t that a banshee? Did she have any influence prior to Sylvanas leaving the Forsaken?

She is head of the forsaken cult of forgotten shadows


I was sure that was Natalie Seline

Seline was dead, she was the founder of the faith, but not the leader of the forsaken branch of it


Any new Desolate Council should be ruled by benevolent undead to contrast the long history of monstous crimes their race has done during all these years.

Peace mongers need to be exiled or killed. The alliance is not our friend. Ever. A true Forsaken government should follow the legacy of Sylvanas where we utterly destroy any enemy who dares passing us.

Yeah, I did have a dumb assumption. The results could depend on the direction of the Druids of the Flame coming soon. :coin::robot:

If they’re a friend than foe, the motivation to protect this world tree would become their new home. :robot::house:

I have been thinking about that problem since the banner is using five points. Perhaps it’s related to representing the Scarlets? :dagger::robot:

Would need Oxhorn’s permission.

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Man that tabard looks stupid. More scourge like then forsaken. Whoever made it should be fired.

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Might work with the skulls, spikes, and emeralds of the warfront armor.

…and heritage armor.


I hope the armor questline will not involve turning the Forsaken to old Lordaeron. That would take a spit on everything Sylvanas build since WoW started.