New customizations with the new Warlocks please!

Just saying, I’m super jazzed about the new Warlock class additions to existing races. But who doesn’t like more customization?! Here’s some ideas I personally would like to see for Warlock customizations for these races:

Tauren/HM Tauren:

Feltotem tattoos.


Red eredar skin!!.. Also, I’m beating a dead horse at this point, but I’d still love to see a smaller male body. Like a playable incubus model <3

LF Draenei:

See Draenei, but also green glowing eyes/tattoos. Same tattoo options, just green instead of light. Also an option to have a vial hanging around their necks to store all the tears of butthurt people. They will use it to fuel their sinister magics.

Kul Tirans:

Better male faces… Seriously though, Kul Tirans are really hurting for customizations. Maybe some witchy jewelry since they have all that drust witch-themed stuff in that area too?


Green tinted skin… Oh wait! That’s already been done =P
Lol, I’m drawing a blank on Mag’har though.

What about y’all?! What customizations would you like to see?


Grimtotem paint

Ner’zhul paint


Locks arent hero classes.

Unless they start giving hero class like customizations to every class.


Double yes!


More demon customizations in addition to the already datamined imp ones.


There’s a new Warlock quest (rumor is Tauren and Mag’har don’t appear) and Imp customization.

So far, a Satyr outfit.

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Perfectly okay with that! Warlocks already have felgreen fire options. I personally think other classes should have customizations like these!

Though warlocks don’t have near the amount of customizations as druids at the moment lol.

That’s not what I mean. I’m talking about class specific character customizations, like DH tattoos and DK undead skin and blue eyes

What quest? If they don’t appear I’m sure they would be added… They’re not about to exclude two races from class quests.

Unless it’s like a pseudo class heritage quest line like the SL epilogue belf paladin quest.

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Something advertised around with Fractures in Time patch 10.1.5.

Warlocks will also be able to undertake a new quest line starting with the quest "Beginning Impositions,” which will unlock a new imp pet customization. Players will also be able to visit the Barbershop to customize their pets.

Maybe Baine could introduce some Tauren Warlocks since he’s still involved if more rewards are being found.

I want freaking face burn scars

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See if they added the red skin tone to LFD and like one or two NPCs on the ship that show how they’re basically captives of the real LFD but their new Alliance partners won’t let them kill them then they could somewhat justify it.

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Yeah they’ll definitely add them. There’s no reason why tauren and maghar can’t have those imps.

Give Mag’har glowing purple tattoos or glowy bits on skin and glowing purple eye options to represent the void. Warlocks don’t just use fel and Shadowmoon warlocks make a lot of sense.

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Might be way easier to lump some Lightforged warlocks using the Void aesthetic like Alleria. Certain she has some influence on them too. :thinking:

edit: Scratch that, Void can also affect Draenei.

Feltotem horns. PLEASE.

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I see manari I slap that like button

Why just one when we can get three skins for them :grinning:

  • Corrupted red skin color

  • Corrupted orange skin color

  • Corrupted purple skin color

  • Green eyes color

Don’t forget the Felborne skin (Green eyes and hand) for Nightborne too.


YES YES AND YES. Great ideas Blizzard please I wanna be a cool Eredar and see some cool customization for other races!

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Lightforged Demon skins for the Lightforged Goats a la Lothraxion.

So much this. :rofl:

i’d say red skin and eyes since the Orcs turned red after drinking Daddy Manny’s blood. More of a flavor option since Mag’har went out of their way to be purebloods, but would be cool nonetheless.