New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

but they have all our skin colors! and they have their own unique void skin colors !! we do not have thematic unique skin colors! we should have light skin colors to have a unique themed skin color!

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I don’t need light themes for void elves.

I just want high elves as their own race, and if they were I see no reason to exclude light themes from them.


Why would you take the time to do that? It would be a waste of time. This isn’t news. Everybody knows

Like I love Fezzy but we went hard over the lore the other day. He is my Night Elf brother, but it’s pretty obvious I come here to debate. When I got here two years ago the High Elf team needed a bullish poster who knew a lot about the lore.

Now I should be a relic of a forgotten age but we have all got to fight about stuff we all agree about apparently.

Me: I want Dark Rangers for Blood Elf customizations-
Other people in the thread apparently: Me too! Let’s fight about it!

Everybody knows you’re rude and condescending and this is your reasoning for why I shouldn’t be upset that I’ve asked you 3 times now to not be rude or condescending?


Blood Elves are super light themed and have been moving that way for a few expansions.

once again! Currently void elves have all our skin colors and also your own unique void skin colors! We should have our own unique skin light colors!

oh he aint got nothing on one of the other posters here who has called nearly everyone in the thread, an airhead. haha

but but i like blood elves.
airheads, the lot of them.
but they’re not airheads.
you’re an airhead too.
hey wait a minute

and so is he. and her too. and them also.



Blizz has heard us loud and clear
 we will be Granted Leper-Mechagnomes, from the radiated city of Mechagon.

Facetious alert :joy:


This isn’t happening in a vacuum
 you are interacting with me. Complaining that the person you keep attacking, erroneously, is being rude to you isn’t gonna get you anywhere.

Want to talk about Blood Elf stuff?

Leper gnomes for the Horde, from the bowels of the Silvermoon tailorshop.

Okay, feel free to ask!

Haha. He literally argued with me for days about something I did not say
 and is upset that I was rude pointing out he wasn’t comprehending it right
 but he still doesn’t understand my original meaning and attacks me over it constantly. There isn’t a lot that I can do here.

Why? Light isn’t the theme of Blood Elves -_-

And that’s what I do! I think it is good that each side has its own unique skin color! the void elves already have their own unique skin colors I hope they give us ours!A lightforged skin color with some light tattoos would be great!

sunwell is radiating light magic, non stop, across all dimensions of space time, to all the thalassians
except void elves, who would go kablaam if they had that connection. so only way a velf is getting light access is to be light forged or something.

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:scream_cat: Off topic but I didn’t know if you saw this:
Danuser “I don’t think it’s as simple as saying will she or won’t she be redeemed? I think we will learn more things about her, and a lot of people might change their point of view on some of how they see her. Some people won’t, because they’ve already decided what they think, or what they want to be true, but our job as storytellers is to continue to evolve these characters and show new sides of them - and that’s something I’m very pleased with what we’re doing in Shadowlands. So it’ll definitely give fans of Syvanas is more things to think about, and that was one of the goals we set out to do.”


Right now their two major themes are the light and blood magic

But not Blood Mages. Scryers are getting pretty close.

As long as we can kill Blightcaller

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of course it is! the sunwell radiates light! we have golden eyes having a unique lightforged skin color would be an option! void elves have void skin color we should have light skin color!

Yeah, Lightforged Elves work.