New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I am a sun elf, therefore I am very tan!


Woot can Finally be a complete dragon with beautiful blue eyes. My transmog is complete


They did it, the absolute madmen.

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YES!!! :heart_eyes:
Thank you Blizzard. :hugs:


Elf on the beach

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Now hopefully all these high elf topics will die.

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Yay :smiley: Very excited.

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Oof. So Ion is still a disgusting liar.

Blood Elves should never have blue eyes.


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There is never enough Elf so why would it

Mostly good changes in there, but some of them are ???

Glad void elves don’t have to look giga-corrupted.

Don’t count on it. Plenty of posts in this thread about how it’s not good enough.


I cannot wait for Shadowlands. I am so buying it now!


The demon hunters are different story due to the rituals they take. They’ll certainly have a darker skin tone depending on the demon they have.

I love the customization options you guys have gaven us so far. But will hordes allied races be receiving a bunch of new eye colors/skin colors too? I feel a little disappointed that void elves can just look like belfs now. :frowning:

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One heart for this change.

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Yeah seems weird. Blood elves were specifically the elves who were addicted to the sunwell / left with Kael’thas. I don’t see why any of them would have the original blue eyes :thinking:

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Hopefully now people will shut up.

Though the void elf paladin threads are probably just going to get more prevalent.

  1. All thalassians were dependant on the sunwell
  2. Kael’thas only took about 10% of the remaining population with him to outland. They were called the sunfury, and have been reabsorbed into blood elf society.
  3. The green eyes came from being around the fel crystals that powered the city. Those who didn’t dwell near the city (like the farstriders) could reasonably still have blue eyes.

Elves are highly reactive to the cosmic forces of the universe, even if they don’t go full demon hunter. It’s the entire reason why their eye colors change about as often as a traffic light. I don’t think it’s a stretch to think that certain individual elves, depending on location and magical influence, would adopt the darker skin tones we see above.

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Just replace Metroid with “elf species” in this case.

Now that I know
 that the rest of the
 elves is on its way, I think it would be best
 just to rest
 for a while?

So what will be the point of factions when half the game will be the same models on both sides?