New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Feathers in the hair for nelfs too. Plus platinum blonde.

For blood elves I think scars, maybe fel and arcane radiation would be cool effects. Not to make Blood Elves too edgy, but I think the scars that Lor’themar are a nice touch.


The nelf dark rangers can go rot.

I’m wearing this because it’s purple.

Arcane radiation is a cool idea!


Can and do.

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I like the idea of each Elf race sharing their aesthetics with the secondary elf on that faction and vice versa. By that i mean Blood Elves/Nightborne sharing certain things with each other and Night Elves/Void elves sharing certain things with eachother.

A lot of Night Elf hairstyles would fit the High Elf look for both males and females. I’m a fan of the leaf aesthetic for them too. Would really fit the old school Celtic theme of the High Elf ranger look.


A lot of sass going on in this thread.


That’s because I’m here.


You rang?
(Starla’s alt)


Yeah, well a lot of it is that of the original races they really only go out of their way to separate the elves… so Night Elves is a race.

But everybody else is just a subset of a race with a broad name…

Human’s aren’t all humans… they are really specifically Stormwind Humans… and we know this because Kul’Tiran humans are running around.

Dwarves are Bronzebeard Dwarves, Trolls are Darkspear Trolls.

And really specifically Undead are dead Lordaeron Humans…

And so now there are a few name police running around saying things like, “You can’t play a High Elf because of the race name…” but then also, “Dark Rangers are undead not Blood Elves.”

But Death Knights are playable for every race… and you are a dead person of that race.

So it’s pretty pedantic and pretty pointless.

With the way they are doing customizations it makes the most sense to drop Dark Ranger into the Blood Elf race.

And sure it’s going to be busted. It’s all busted.

Right now you have the option to play an existing race that can be customized to look like another race… and that’s as true of a Wildhammer Dwarf or Forest Troll as it will be of a Dark Ranger or High Elf.


We can only hope they will decide to put some real effort into this…

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OOOH I love that!!!


Ohhh, so you finally willing to drop the “blond trope” act? Then maybe this may be worth a little bit of my time.

FYI, Alleria is NOT "the whole of " the Velves, Alleria is merely that: Alleria. Take your perceived offense and put it somehwere else, cause I never made a comment in regards to Velves being airheads cause of Alleria (Void elves ARE depicted as massive morons yes, but not related to Alleria per se -their case is much worse and only thanks to very bad writting-).

Now, in regards to “ignore”, you don´t directly ignore people as in “WoW´s version of ignore”, you just like to play the “blond trope” act a little too much (you may want to emply this tactic a little less; you come as entirely too evident sometimes). When I mentioned the “ignore part” it was a reference of me being a massive dumb idiot pretending to get a clear answer from you when we both know you simply are never interested in listening to anything but your own words (30+ post of you regarding void and void lords in this thread, nuff said), ergo why I tried to say “ignore A.K.A. don´t bother and don´t waste my time”.

Sure dude, tell that to the Fosaken fans of the old school (A.K.A. WC3 to TBC; even in WotLK they got pun´ked) with their incoming “angelic light infused monstruosity racial leader”.

No, as long as the lore being deployed in this game reaches such colossal levels of idiocy, I rather not get an additional villain batting for my Belves just to catter to the n10+ years old of Helfer resentment, tyvm.

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umm… i started playing monk…
and was curious.
dark brown skin
the void elf deep green hair.
maybe white or the purple eyes?

ever watch the old sitcom, i love lucy?
if not, here’s a classic skit

my grandmother said i reminded her of lucy. so i dont have to play the trope, i am the trope. hehe
i do apologize though, for irritating you.

As far as the “focused story content on a BEs VS HEs” patch goes I have to agree.

HEs are cool and I support this compromise and the HE community / fans but Blood Elf lore, and BE players are doing just fine without any forced catering to HE fans who want to see the BE political squabble story in game. That’s when I have to ask the question of how relevant are they to the story, and why would they be in any story involving BEs. Especially since so often this sort of story only moves to like you say villianize Horde.

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I know this is a really crazy idea but instead of having a Blood Elf vs. High Elf conflict we could have, gee I don’t know, a Blood Elf vs. Void Elf conflict.

breaks the 4th wall and turns his head to the reader as if he’s giving a deadpan stare.


No, not a fan of old cinema.

And I though I had been quite clear in regards to my short temper (please, I´m a VERY impatient poster 99% of time; just not focused on other posters -mostly- but on the a-holes in charge of writting this game).

Man, we already have historical data to use as proof, cause what was the whole Quel´Delar storyline but a massive soft core villain batting of the Belves in favor of the Helfers? What was the whole systematic ridiculization to the point of becoming a meme of Aethas and the Sunreavers? (I mean, having to kill a Sunreaver Magister to defend Jaina in BfA as a Horde AND Belf fan was disgusting, period. I almost wanted to kill Baine -the glorified narrative tool of Afriasiabi et al- for putting me through this).

The most hilarious thing is that by deffinition, in-universe most if not all Helves shouldn´t even care over Quel´thalas by principle (how many times will I have to repeat the fact canon lore portrays most of them as the people that never followed Anasterian´s directive to leave the Alliance lands and return to Quel´thalas ergo the people that willingly and conciously and deliberately LEFT Queltalas behind!!!). The only ones that “care” for Quel´thalas are the Windrunner nutjobs. And they´re a whole new level of bad writting, so…

Been there, done that (it´s basically both elf allied races scenarios)… frankly, I rather not get additional humiliation for the Belves courtesy of retconning the atrocius Velf lore, tyvm.

Anything the devs touch lately goes to hell, so I think I´m gonna stay happy being perma ignored lorewise speaking.

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I was trying to say this to a HE fan who thought they had the same claim over Quel’thalas that BEs have. And the convo went into something where he and some others believed the HEs were unjustly exiled by Lor’themar, and that my support for BE ownership of the land was akin to I forget the terminology they used but they tried to make it look bad and say it was akin to supporting wiping out a cultural group because I think Blood Elves are the rightful inheritors of Quel’thalas.

And anytime a HE fan wants to play up the HE VS BE stuff, all I can think about is all the HE fans that do want Quel’thalas in the Alliance or neutral. So it’s not a story I would support being told.


The Blood Elf v High Elf narrative feels natural and believable. It feels forced and awful with the Void Elves. Especially when you consider that none of them actually even wanted to leave Quel’thalas or the Sin’dorei in the first place(And the fact that Umbric’s the only Void Elf with a name).


I see a lot of people using the “forced” claim. It’s usually a guise for, “I don’t like this.” See the Flynn/Shaw thread.

Basically anything that someone doesn’t like is forced.

I see a lot more potential with Void Elves and Blood Elves than boring old High Elves.


This theory kinda goes to hell when you realize Lor´themar himself tried to make amends and the actually exiled Helfers were too worried about their prides to actually take advantage.

I´ll put it in simple terms: when people put their pride BEFORE the survival of their subjects´survival, then they´re either A) massive idiots B) massive jerks or C) BOTH. And in my book people of such caliber frankly deserve nothing.

Helfers would have gotten MUCH more support from the Belf fans had they gotten their act altogether and stopped with this nonsense. Nobody will willingly ask for the destruction of their race unless they are ignorant of the writting quality of this game.