New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Lol, you weren’t right then, and you aren’t right now. What a ridiculous hill for you to die on.

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“The dev is wrong about the thing she worked on. My femur measurements mean more.”.

Mmkay. That is not a logical argument mate.


Well, It’s not silly. If we are talking Void Themes then that isn’t unique to Void Elves. Any class with a priest can hit that note.

To be fair, a Blood Elf can’t be a Void themed Hunter like a Void Elf can.


I don’t think that’s a fair argument, that’s not a really a theme.

My Blood Elf Priest can’t be a Void Elf Priest even in Shadow spec, so it’s not the same thing.

I like how you’ve demonstrated you’re so incapable of addressing someone’s actual statement you’ll strawman everyone to avoid properly acknowledging it.
If you’re really comparing a race’s customization options(entire race) to a class spec (not entire race), then its clear you’ve no base to support your argument.


Not really. I think what is more surprising for me is how certain you and others are about it.

If they really changed the Darkspear body why would they give it the exact same proportions as a Night Elf male?

If you are going to all that work you could just make a unique body for it.

And your entire argument is: “Why would this Dev who is on the receiving end of a hard ball question lie about how much work they are doing on the model?”

The only absurd thing is you think what I said about it was absurd.

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Because like it was stated back then, I’ll repeat it for you:

The Dev’s word supercedes your word.

That’s all there is to it.


Blood Elves and Void Elves are different Races, I measured their biceps and there are clear differences.

Yeah, but then fair would be fair and they should be on our team about Paladins?

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3d tools verify it?

Except they don’t have the same proportions

Its easier to straighten the back out of an existing model, rather than make a new model, because you can maintain UV maps and the like while also being able to maintain geo mapping for hairs and other aspects/.

Its an absurd statement to make with an absurd basis.



So to be clear, when you say proportions are you talking including the silhouette, or just the rough details like the lengths of the limbs and distance between joints, etc

Yeah… that goes back to the obvious:

If you are questioning the Devs word then it doesn’t work like that.

Not really a counter argument.

What I’m saying is: What that Dev said is most likely not true.
Your response: But the Dev’s are always right!

The idea that someone in authority is always right when you are specifically questioning them doesn’t make any sense.

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Under what basis?
3d tools such as blender confirm, its a jungle troll model.
So, where is the basis for not believing the dev?


Why would they lie about this?


Gets ready for some epic tinfoil hattery


I wonder how he measured the femur…
Did he eyeball it? Stick a tape measure to it?

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See the problem you’re having is that there is no argument to be had.

The Dev who worked on these models made a statement.

You did not work on the models.

Therefor your opinion about if the dev is telling the truth or not has no relevance at all.

If you had actually worked at Blizzard, your words could carry weight but when your reasons for questioning amounted to the phrase: “I measured the femur.” you lost all right to be taken serious in this discussion regarding this model.

It was laughably ridiculous then, and it still is now.


It’s not the same since the void theme is accross the entire race, whereas for blood elves it’s a single class spec.

An appropriate equivalent (to void elves having the base skins and void skins) would likely be blood elves having felblood skins or undead skins (dark ranger) as well as their normal skins. Not a theme that’s restricted to a class spec.

Cause technically every single race that can priest has the void theme in that case.

Nonetheless I’m not a fan of slapping light/void in front of a race and calling it a new race like the devs did.