New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Again, the whole problem is that we got the high elf theme.

You got: standard blood elf, high/purified blood elf, light-themed blood elf, but it’s not enough because we got some shared skins.

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Daily reminder Blood Elves need their second theme. And Dark Rangers are very popular for a lot of people. We also need our tattoos and that includes the Farstriders tattoos people tried to say only should be for VEs.

Fourth theme.

Your two themes involve having a skin tone pallet and you’re downplaying it. And equating our additional themes to… eye colors?

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I say Blood Elves need Runic Tattoos.

But in all the glowing eye colors like Gold/Green/Blue/Faded (And red for Dark Rangers!)

And it would allow them to share in ALL their magical themes.

They literally added leaves for Night Elves so they could match box art it would make sense for Blood Elves as well.


Your previous answer kinda contradicts this, lady.

Which is the moment the concept of “Schedule” cames into the picture, cause that´s how big companies like Blizz work. Velves WILL get their time later as per Word of God; Belves only have NOW. And that´s Lann whole argument: about devs NOT negelcting and taking too much time on Velves on what´s already scheduled and approved for Belves.

Also, nice to see the hypocritical stance on the usual subjects is being kept. Indeed why sometimes anti´s arguments had MUCH merit.

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Again with arbitrary comparisons.
We got new skins and eye colors.
You got new skins and eye colors.

We get two themes: corrupted and uncorrupted.
You have three: corrupted, pure and light-purified.

You want undead. Go for it, I support it.
But don’t justify it by saying that it’s for “justice” or some other non-sense.


Reeeee the new facial hair options on Nelf males look really good…honorable mention to the panda wakka haircut.


We got the same skin tones and it didn’t add to our theme, yours opened up to the HE theme and can lead to more stuff later, ours is our theme anyways.

So eye colors you’re downplaying your own theme and the huge deal Blizzard did for VEs and equating our themes to the eye colors.

I’ll justify it as I please and I think the validity of my justifications are what has you commenting about it, because my stance is valid and it conflicts with you wanting more things for Void Elves in the immediate future. If not then I guess all is good huh.

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You’re equating theme to eye colors, and that is incorrect.
by this logic, worgens have 9 themes!


They also compared our new ethnicities to a new “theme”. Both failing to realize they also got the same diversity, and someone’s ethnicity that should have been in game isn’t some new trivial theme it’s what should have been there unless I’m seeing it wrong. But that’s how I feel.

I wouldn’t exactly call getting uber tanned a theme.


ion thinks we’re all crazy for arguing about the tiny details of our characters for years on end. lol

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Yeah, they totally set up a whole new standard for facial hair. The number of possible combinations is astounding!


That outfit is available to horde players anyway lol


i’m advocating for belfs to get the following:

  • druids with fae boomkin form
  • san’layn customizations
  • dark ranger customizations
  • redeemed felblood elven wing customizations in either white, gold, gray or black
  • farstrider tats and light scars
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Wasn’t it actually you that said that? You said because High Elves now have normal skin colours, they got a new theme? Then Alamara said if that’s the case, then why wouldn’t the new skin colours=new themes for Blood Elves?

She was also saying that eye colours for thalassian elves is kind of like a theme? Their eye colours represent stuff, so it makes sense to me. If Void Elves getting blue eyes represents a new theme for them, then by all means, it should represent a new theme for Blood Elves too.

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These are really the only things that would make me peachy atm.

Void is a theme. Normal Human diversity is a theme.

Adding human diversity to a race that is only Void themed is a new theme.

Adding diversity to a human skin toned race isnt a new theme, thats just adding the diversity that should have always been there.

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This is the outfit I was referencing:

I know that it’s available to Horde players, it’s just that it doesn’t really go with the red tattoos that well. If I was doing the mockup from scratch, I’d choose a different outfit.

Also, the one you linked was an unrelated mockup Lance made.