Yeah, I’m not sure about using the term High Elf for anything Horde as despite what some may say, that’s no longer part of their identity. I could see High Elves listed as such under Void Elves, but that’s about it.
The women have man hands going on.
Well I am a HE fan and that’s not my reason to push for that, so please don’t generalize.
I like things to be tidy and organized, and I don’t like to see all that bunch of subraces with their own slot when I think it’d look much better if they’re all grouped up.
But as Callistus said, Pandaren are repeated at both sides, so it wouldn’t make sense for Pandaren to be divided and Elves to be grouped up.
I have an idea.
Slap Belf heads on Kul Tiran bodies and have thicc Blood Elves.
I got nothing.
Okay then I’ll rephrase it looks like very thinly veiled validation seeking that one would only seek for Void Elves to be seen as High Elves because Blood Elves already know we are High Elves.
Maybe I’m wrong like you say, but I imagine far more would jump on this idea who actually would be exactly as I’m calling it now.
There’s nothing wrong with leaving BEs alone in the pursuit for High Elves.
At least bandages…
Well you are not getting the Nelf burn marks. I don’t want them.
Of course there isn’t. My proposal had nothing to do with playable High Elves.
It has to do with making High Elf the selection and turning VE or BE from there I know.
Which isn’t needed from a BE players perspective (speaking for myself but if you want to ask other BE players I’ll be interested in feedback). But perhaps a VE player who desperately wants validation as a HE would love your idea.
Probably, I haven’t played mine in a while. I hope nightborne get a lot of love too. As much as I’d love regular hair colors for void elves I can’t say I’d be mad if they fixed nightborne faces and gave them more hair and skin colors first.
I am wondering if now that they are no longer cut off from the sun and moon if they will start to change again. Some midtones between what they have now and what nelves have could be really awesome.
For a subrace system, I think the Core Parent Primary Races should be listed on top and the secondary Sub Races be listed under.
So it would be listed as Blood Elf? And then you choose either Blood Elf or Void Elf or High Elf? I guess it’s a bit confusing to me in terms of the Nightborne and BEs because their ARs involved cross faction stuff.
it’d actually be like this:
–high elf
----blood elf
------void elf
This was probably the most desirable option, but I am not sure blizz had anything planned beyond the Zandalari and kultirans.
Or “Thalassian Elf”, it doesn’t have to be “High Elf”.
I’m not even proposing a unique “Elf” slot because I just know how unpopular that would be (even though I’d love it, I’d find it very logical and organized). There you’d choose between Night Elves, Nightborne, Blood Elves and Void Elves.
Honestly, I don’t care if others love or hate my idea, and I wouldn’t stop pushing for my idea only because others would take advantage of it for their own personal interests.
That would make the most sense, and would probably go in order of playability I would think. Like mag’har would be an orc subrace, even though mag’har orcs were the first iteration, but the core race was first. Void elves aren’t a core race but if high elves were a subrace I’d think they would be under them and perhaps belves as well.
This is correct.
Primary Race: Blood Elf as they are the Original Player Race with this model
Sub Race: Void Elf, and then if they decide to addon High Elves/San’layn/Dark Rangers etc.
I think I would only like it if it was faction specific. Like BE’s have San’layn and DR down the road.
VEs are the primary selection for their faction.
But I may just have trouble visualizing it too, but I rather like the new screen they did anyways.
And the only reason I say that is because I think it just leads to some people asking for Quel’thalas to be neutral, etc. some people still have to this day a hard time understanding it’s not an Alliance territory, and they still are mad about BEs being Horde.