Farstrider tatts for both please!
Last time I saw Orcs didn´t try to STILL “genocide” -I would say it was a conquering attempt more than a “hurr durr!! let´s kille them ALL for the lols”- the elves even while being aware they were down and struggling (which mind you, is EXACTLY what the Felblood mutant abominations tried to do). And kindly don´t mistake Forsaken with the Scourge, at least not in regards to the Belves.
You mean the same Orcs that got punished by Thrall and that paid for their bad decission making with the life of the idiot who made them drink the blood? Cause they´re STILL NOT the same as Felblood elves perfectly aware on how bad things were on Quel´thalas but that decided joining a demon and condemning everybody was A-OK.
2 things:
Pot, meet kettle. You´re probably one of the worst offenders regarding toxicity, dude.
Work on the double standards, cause the suggestion you so “bravely” jumped to defend is similar to me saying a rando worgen bites Nathanos, he somehow becomes a worgen himself and by some crappy lore he becomes the new Worgen leader -regardless on how obtusse this sounds- while giving you guys “undead worgen skins appart from DK”. Cause that´s basically the disgrace Hyper is proposing.
Well, kindly keep your ideas to yourself if they involve BfA quality levels of writting .
Man, get all the damned playable High elves you want as long as this stops right there. We get antsy when some of you start petitioning for Belf stuff too (like the racial and the territory and the NPCs…)
Why in the name of god are you limiting the the runic tatoos to the eye color? That makes NO sense (Rommath has green eyes but he´s a Fire AND a Blood magi, ergo his tatoos are red…).
No jewerly unless it´s the sensible type similar to the Nightborne one (you know, actually covering important parts like the ribs…). Ankle/Arm bands are worthless unless put on places one can really show them (I mean why would one care over it when regular armor literally hides them and the trouble to make ONE piece of “jewerly” properly match the tmog is worthless)
These are cool.
Something like this mockup Lancelot did using Rommath’s tattoos?
(Post this with your magic lv 3 powers please )
I had forgotten to do it.
But I like people suggesting these two options for them, aside from them being unique, it really makes blood elves stand out as “the Hordes elves”
Truly adorable how the options that are clearly pulled from cartoonish villain groups is what makes you think “100% Horde feel”. I personally blame the devs for pushing and pushing for this playerbase perspective thanks to their lack of competence and skills.
Thank you for making evident why I despise the San´layn / Dark Ranger petitioning runing rampant here. I just hope the people making it donb´t come here to whine and cry when their “favs” get villain batted to death in a couple of years when devs recreate MoP 3.0
I am not fond of either sanlayn or dark ranger looks. It is much like Ariel said, it doesn’t come off as something related to the blood elves but to the Horde.
It ignores their redemption, the fight they had against Arthas, and certainly doesn’t make use of their redemption.
It is what people want to associate them with as part of the Horde, rather than as apart of themselves.
Why in the name of god are you limiting the the runic tatoos to the eye color? That makes NO sense (Rommath has green eyes but he´s a Fire AND a Blood magi, ergo his tatoos are red…).
I was also including the Dark Ranger Red Eyes and blind options.
Giving them Red/Blue/Green/Gold/Teal/Faded Tattoo choices. And so you can match them to your characters other customization options if you want.
So you can be a Priest/Paladin with golden tattoos or a Warlock with green or red or Mage with Blue or any combination you want.
No jewerly unless it´s the sensible type similar to the Nightborne one (you know, actually covering important parts like the ribs…). Ankle/Arm bands are worthless unless put on places one can really show them (I mean why would one care over it when regular armor literally hides them and the trouble to make ONE piece of “jewerly” properly match the tmog is worthless)
Some people like the large pieces. Especially Mage and Priest type characters.
Most customizations get covered up with armor anyway so it’s not a strong reason to not have the option.
The thing I don’t get is why Felblood Elves are a hard no but San’layn are a yes when they’re both pretty evil.
Don´t worry, I klinda despise BOTH suggestions cause after BfA I´m well aware what WILL happen if we accept this abhorrent groups lorewise speaking inside the Belf population.
RPing the edgelord may look fun until Blizz remembers they can´t write anything different to “the white knight hero saves the day and kills the questionable looking guy; also all the allies of the villain must be chastised permanently for daring to be anything but white knights”.
I was also including the Dark Ranger Red Eyes and blind options.
Giving them Red/Blue/Green/Gold/Teal/Faded Tattoo choices. And so you can match them to your characters other customization options if you want.
So you can be a Priest/Paladin with golden tattoos or a Warlock with green or red or Mage with Blue or any combination you want.
This doesn´t answer my question, why are you limiting the tatoo coloration to the eyes? A paladin can pull spells non directly related to holy but to arcane too you know…
You see, the “runic” tatoos should have a lore explanation (actually, I like to headcanon Rommath put on those AFTER they blown up the Sunwell -yes, he did. Go check his Heritage Scenario model- because thanks to a lack of a proper source of magic -the way I see it, the Sunwell was but a giant battery for the elves- they needed a way to keep their spell strenght and casting ability up to pre-destroyed Sunwell standards. It´s a mix from the FMA manga concept of transmutation circle (so, the runic tatoo is no worthless drawing but the ACTUAL spell or chain of spells) and Tsunade´s seal of 100 years (ergo continuous accumulation of magical energy contained INSIDE the rune).
Nelf tatoos DO have a very important and touching lore explanation; they exist to prove the user IS an adult in their culture. As the equivalent elf core race, I´d like something similar for the Belves, a reason WHY those runic tatoos ARE important. And we´re talking about a so magically dependant race here even their rogue (A.K.A. Lorash) pulled magic even while not being a regular caster type, so…
Some people like the large pieces. Especially Mage and Priest type characters.
Most customizations get covered up with armor anyway so it’s not a strong reason to not have the option.
It is when this can prevent the implementation of more sensible custoimization like tatoos or scars. Especially taking into account the devs modus operandi.
Which modus operandi? Easy… remember the “male” version of the hideous bead ornament “jewerly” for Belves. It was literally the same as the female one that was divided in 2 parts. Tell me if that doesn´t scream the “lululul, Belves have NO males” overdone bad joke of ALWAYS regarding Belves.
kindly keep your ideas to yourself
oh i’ve had some doozies. for example -
lost at sea farstriders from pre-arthas era, shipwrecked on dragon isles. staved off the mana addiction upon discovering a pyramid from the time of the troll empire, the walls upon which was detailed how to use magical artifacts, kept in long buried coffers, to sustain mana. this is where illidan learns it and later teaches it to kael’thas and company
(shoulda never told me to shut up. your mistake ).
female ogres are actually devastatingly beautiful. they get that way via a very odd biological tradition - upon selecting a mate, the male who is actually very handsome before mating, sacrifices his good genes to his future spouse, who becomes quite attractive and highly intelligent instead. (solves the no one will play female ogres so why bother, problem)
gnome fae. oh yes, gnome fae. racial mount - dryad. introduces faery magic as a class. has faery wings and flies about 5 ft above the ground instead of running.
waiiit waaaaiiit. there’s more.
Love these! The devoided Velf hair looks great with normal hair colors.
This doesn´t answer my question, why are you limiting the tatoo coloration to the eyes? A paladin can pull spells non directly related to holy but to arcane too you know…
I’m not.
I’m saying the colors match the colors the eyes use. I didn’t say tied to eye color.
You see, the “runic” tatoos should have a lore explanation (actually, I like to headcanon Rommath put on those AFTER they blown up the Sunwell -yes, he did. Go check his Heritage Scenario model- because thanks to a lack of a proper source of magic -the way I see it, the Sunwell was but a giant battery for the elves- they needed a way to keep their spell strenght and casting ability up to pre-destroyed Sunwell standards. It´s a mix from the FMA manga concept of transmutation circle (so, the runic tatoo is no worthless drawing but the ACTUAL spell or chain of spells) and Tsunade´s seal of 100 years (ergo continuous accumulation of magical energy contained INSIDE the rune).
That was actually part of the RPG I believe and where I got the idea.
It is when this can prevent the implementation of more sensible custoimization like tatoos or scars.
It doesn’t. I’m literally suggesting tattoos at the same time.
I’m just asking for more options for people who like it. I’m also asking for more color options as well.
People are allowed to make suggestions, even if you don’t personally like them.
Dear, in meant in regards to Belf lore -which you clearly ignore-. I don´t care over your suggestions on other races or the headcanons you concoct.
I’m not.
I’m saying the colors match the colors the eyes use. I didn’t say tied to eye color.
We´re talking gameplay here. If you say “rune tatoos MATCH the eye color”, you´re basically tying the color of the tatoo with the eye selection.
I´m saying to please DON´T tie them. Let the choices separate, please cause your´re limiting the stuff. Heck, this don´t even happens in DH…
That was actually part of the RPG I believe and where I got the idea.
No, I doubt it, nobody EVER mentioned the runic tatoos until I screeched on this thread (helfers were ALL so “happy” to compliment the crappy “jewerly” proposed in the datamining, however almost noen said they wanted it for their Helf/Velf toons, so suspicious…). I´ve mentioned this concept before in this thread, that´s were you probably heard it (it was a short conversation with anomaly hmp poster from GD A.K.A. Lancelot).
It doesn’t. I’m literally suggesting tattoos at the same time.
And I´m telling you to look at the issue with a dose of realism -and current designers will totally NOT invest so much resources in one race; less of all the most played Horde one they probably want to invest the least effort cause the playerbase population using it is more than a healthy one-.
People are allowed to make suggestions, even if you don’t personally like them.
And I´m allowed to manifest my less than entertained feelings with her clearly hack suggestions, so…?
She can put me on ignore if she wants to, but I sure as hell don´t have to thank her for a clearly trollish effort. And Lightforged Felblood elves are a worse idea than Lightforged Undead Calia Menethil of Worgen racial leader Nathanos, so…?
Dear, in meant in regards to Belf lore
well i do have like 10 belfs. hehe.
This doesn´t mean you know or care over the race lore (nor much less over keeping the coherence on it), so…?
Let´s put this issue to rest. I think you idea is disgusting, take it or leave it. At the end of the day it´s just my opinion.
You don’t have to thank her, or agree, but you also don’t have to tell her not to make suggestions.
And I´m allowed to manifest my less than entertained feelings with their clearly hack suggestions, so…?
You could be friendlier, or at least match energies.
I can perfectly tell her to NOT make aberrant combos while using my favorite race for the lols, at the end of the day it´s just that: an opinion.
I think she´s grown up enough not to “get hurt” over that…
You could be friendlier, or at least match energies.
I´m a firm believer in honesty over “bubbly while hiding agendas” or “hypocritically nice”. I repeat: if she doesn´t like it, she can put me on ignore, period. I won´t stop calling a duck a duck for a rando on the internet.
okay this is really a strong word. disgusting suggests there’s something grotesque about felblood elves having a redemptive process. like the other fellow said, maybe they were forced to drink the green kool-aid and after that, kinda mind controlled by its effects.
It’s your opinion, and any options that are added you don’t have to use. You are not the only belf fan and others can express what they want to see.
Why do you care over how I feel about it? I won´t call it any other word when that, “disgusting” is what I feel when I think bout it.
Block me and move on if it´s annoying you so much, sheshhh…
It’s your opinion, and any options that are added you don’t have to use. You are not the only belf fan and others can express what they want to see.
Err, exactly what I said on previous posts? The fact I WILL mention my disgust over it doesn´t prevent other people for liking it.
I certainly DON´T have to lie to you guys. And like for the n-esim time: she can perfectly ignore me, period.