New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I don’t get this whole “Only X should have it” mentality when literally both Belves and Velfs share the same exact model so any tattoos/hairs/accessories/etc. can literally be given to both races without any extra work on re-modeling or resizing stuff xD

All they’d have to do is change the color code. Bam, red and gold tats for Belves Blue and Silver tats for Velves or even give them all mutliple colors.

Also as someone who is a staunch supporter of Velfs getting more customization/hairs/etc, I think Blood Elfs should 1000% get tats before Velfs do. But again, it’s 0 work to give it to both.


so true but many belfs feel they are losing their exclusivity, and my suggestions to solve that are:

unique customizations, exclusive to belfs. examples being exclusive hairstyles, sanlayn/dark ranger customizations. things that make them look different at a distance. even a new idling animation would help with this

an upgraded, even prettier/handsomer belf model. maybe lor’themar hires a famous beautician/barber and now the blood elves look even more amazing. this would not require evolutionary changes in lore - simply the benefit of having a leader who wants to provide for his people’s happiness.

helfers would be happy as peaches just to get access to normal high elf features. i certainly wouldnt begrudge belfs being even better looking.


ut oh. lol

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Can’t we all just get along with each other instead of denying each other from request?


Lol at Sara telling people to just get along. :rofl:


Lol at Guzzle thinking I am telling people to do something instead of asking something…

Maybe you should look at the post again and see that is more of a question than telling someone to do something.

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Lol at Sara asking people to just get along. :rofl:

Yeah, completely different sentence that. Completely different meaning.


The antis are guilty of starting witch hunts in other threads too, claiming that the OP is secretly a part of the High Elf agenda and continue to harass and troll people until the thread is locked or fades away. I’ve seen it many times myself.

And the hairstyles and colors are hardly exclusive to Blood Elves as we’ve seen Humans and Draenei adapt many of them, and vice versa. The same makes sense to do with Blood Elves and Void Elves.

I agree though that Ranger style tattoos shouldn’t be exclusive to Void Elves. I believe they should go to both races and it would make sense for the devs to do both at once as they do share the same model.


Mind you, the Anti’s have also at some point created a spam of threads as well in regards to High Elves.

But Pro’s or Anti’s, no group is perfect.


Actual antis doing that, or are you blaming us for the fact that the forums in general have been sick and tired of this topic for years now and come down hard on any new thread related to it?


One thing I have been looking forward to each build is not only for new customization to be unveiled, but to see what combinations people come up with. Seeing some of the Night Elves people have customized has been a lot of fun. I can’t wait to see this when all of the velf/belf options are available to play with!

I best see a lot of pictures ppl! :yellow_heart:

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No, I’ve observed off topic anti High Elf behavior in other threads too, be it a general cosmetic thread or threads pertaining to adding to Void Elves. The antis aren’t any less guilty than the pros who have also derailed threads as Sara said neither group is perfect.

And yes, I do acknowledge that the general bystanders have grown tired of quarrel between both camps.


I’m hoping things settle down once pre-patch hits. I want to believe that once people can actually play their “High Elves” there’s going to be a lot less High Elf topics being made, and those that are made will get far less traffic and support than they do right now. Of course I could be entirely wrong about that, but I’m trying think positively.


What ever happens, I will always support High Elves. If this is the way of the Alliance having there High Elves, then I am truely grateful. As long as there is more customisation options, and other stuff too.


I think they should add some selections for idle stances and running/walk animations at the very least. BE males have a terrible run if you ask me.

But let’s do this for all races. Kinda like the orc posture selection. More player agency right?

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sounds good.

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Maybe something like this for belves/velves?

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Definitely reduces the chance of having a hip replacement at a young age… lol

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It’s okay to take a break love <3 It’s why i’ve started joining only when weekly builds hit, so i can geek out with Alamara, Sara, Avarie, Lann, Hyper etc…


yay i made the list of geekdom hehe :sparkling_heart: