New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I am silly, so I can confirm this.


Yeah sorry we aren’t super edgy DK’s named Broflake we just live in silly fairy land :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:

We have free rainbow cotton candy and singing flowers too you should stop by some time!

Ah you must be newer. It was an RP-PVP server

I mean
my name alone shows im far from edgy <_<

Here’s something else Blizzard should add to every race: short hair. The assets already exist (it’s the hairstyle that’s used when you are wearing a head slot).

Currently, in live, only draenei female and blood elf male have access to it. In alpha, they added it to blood elf female as well, which is a good sign.


You’re really not grasping the fundamental argument here. Those models are already playable on existing factions, which is why almost every single allied race is on the same faction as it’s counterpart. The only exception being void elves, which were specifically meant as a compromise, and trade off for Nightborne.

The fact that whenever themes transcend beyond factions they always end up becoming a trade off between themes is evidence of the importance these visual, and why they’re only ever acceptable under special conditions. Like Night elf themed Nightborne, and Blood elf themed Void elves, and Fair skin from blood elves for blue eyes.

If the argument for why they should be playable is how different they are from Blood elves culturally, then their themes should revolve around those distinctions. It seems disingenuous to use those disparities as an argument in support of their inclusion, to not only ask, but even claim other themes that are rightfully Blood elven as yours as well.

So because an Alliance NPC was added with Blood elven themes, they’re somehow now Alliance themes? This is only evidence that she is the most up-to-date Farstrider in the game, not that those themes are exclusive to her or the alliance. That’s
 not how it works, especially when the game is constantly reminding the players through dialogue, and flavor text that the result of her appearance is due to her life as a Farstrider. It just sounds like you’re purposely overlooking, and downplaying that crucial detail detail.

Except the very thing Blood elf players feared would happen, is happening. The moment Void elves were given Blood elf skin tones, themes that are intrinstically Blood elven are now being requested, and even claimed as property of Alliance High elves, which is just wrong.

If the whole precedent for why they should be playable is their distinctions then focus on those, don’t dig into their history and then tell Blood elf players they have no right to request their own themes.

Except that big youtuber is extremely bias toward Alliance, so clearly many players do not agree with him. It’s almost like you’re claiming that a youtuber has more right to claim what is, and isn’t appropriate for each race over the actual lead dev. Ion’s logic must be flawed, but clearly this Alliance main is right because he agrees with you.

I wouldn’t necessarily agree because if High elves were playable you would have identical models and classes to Blood elves already, but since you are in fact Void elves not only does your culture differ, so do your visual themes.

If they truly did trample over Blood elves more than High elves ever could you wouldn’t have so many helfer hopefuls begging for more Blood elf themes like their hair colors, styles, and playable classes. (and yet something as reasonable as Farstrider tattoos are off limits :roll_eyes: )

They have, when players asked for High elf themes for Void elves Metzen told them “anything is possible,” but stressed that they needed to be respectful toward others while requesting them.

What annoys people particularly is that Helfers is their tendency to swarm threads and spam the forum with high elf topics while antis are typically part of that crowd because they not only don’t agree, but don’t like seeing the same spam littering the forums.

When has these two groups bickering and fighting ever been something out of the usual? The point is helfers not only attack antis, but anyone who happens to voice an opinion on them that that might be contrary to what they believe. Wowhead’s perculia was harassed by helfers for something completely innocuous, so much so that Stiven himself had to address it, and took the side of the antis.

That isn’t the point on why I brought her up, it’s that the very people who’s cause she supported were the ones harassing her. She even expressed shock at how she was treated by the very people she was trying to encourage.

Anyone can argue against another person’s points, but whether or not those points are compelling, or significant is another matter entirely.

While no one is always right, I’m pretty confident in my ability to defend my opinions and beliefs rather effectively.

I said many of the things, not all of them as you so poorly worded it, which is a pretty big difference. As I pointed out previously, both sides have the tendency to be right, or wrong on varying topics, this isn’t the same as saying “You’re wrong” in general.

Yes, and they were added at the same time, not after one faction was already playing it for over a decade. If the Alliance had pandaren for 10 years people would claim they are an Alliance race, and would likely be equally angered if they were just suddenly given to the other faction

But in the end, they’re still only NPCS and do not supersede a group of players that have been using that race for over ten years. Just because human pirates teamed up with the horde in BFA doesn’t mean we should march the streets asking for pirate humans as an allied race.

That’s irrelevant because they were made playable on the Horde first, which makes them a Horde race entitled to the themes that define them within the context of Azeroth. It’s not meaningless simply because you don’t agree, because clearly many people do feel that way, including the dev team.

Except that’s exactly what you’re doing in regards to the Farstrider themes for Blood elves. Despite the fact that these themes are clearly designed with the Blood elven Farstrider thematic in mind, you claim that we have no right to request them because the first npc to utilize them fully happened to belong to the alliance.


Yes, the helmet hair!


Something strange I noticed with nightborne in the alpha: player tatoos are opaque rather than reflexive. But NPCs with the player model have reflexive tatoos like in live.

Will there be some kind of setting to the tatoos, maybe? Opaque, reflexive, glowing?

Here’s the difference:



  • NPC tatoos still behave like in live
  • The opaque ones are missing the face tatoos, indicating they are a different texture set to reflect ligh in a different way. (Also, the NPCs still have the face tatoos)

This indicates there’s actual texture work behind this and it’s not just a bug.


Finally just finished reading all of that. Very well said.

Extra points for he Farstrider tattoos point, which really needed to be touched on. Good effort.


You tried!

At the end of the day, the high elf request is based off what’s explicitly shown to us in the game, lore and books. As long as the high elves are alliance, I will always support yall!
Glory to the quel’dorei or whatever.


Yeah I don’t agree with that at all either I’ve always been fine supporting the inclusion of HEs and don’t care about the models. So it feels so weird to see people turn around and say “well this is ours” especially in regards to things like tattoos which can go to both imo but definitely not the Alliance over BEs.


Some people have said tattoos should be exclusive to belves too. Both should get them.


This lion will sniff out this den.

There are lion traps in place.


I’ve not seen as many BE posters declare ownership over tattoos in that regard but yes I agree that is the core of my point both should get them.

really enjoyed the read! its nice to see a post that informs and also paints a true picture of the unforgettable high->blood elf story from WC into WoW




Did you use the spider silk?

Of course! Strong, and impossible to see until you run face first into it!


Velves are just blood elves right? :hugs:

How dare you steal Alfgerdhrs famous signature?? :upside_down_face:


Yep, so they should share!


all the old requests for playable alliance high elves, had tatts. so that is not new. and recall talendrion’s mock ups had human hair colors/hairstyles and skin colors. so that is not new. really, the only thing thats new are some people wanting only velfs to have tatts, which is weird. belfs should definitely get tatts. differentiation /exclusivity should come in the form of large, easy to identify changes, like hairstyles or felblood wings/height, that kinda thing, where its obvious from a distance even.