High elves don’t belong to anyone as of yet, for they’re not actually playable at the very moment so let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Secondly there’s a difference between traditional High elves, and Alliance High elves. The Blood elves are the inheritors of the traditional high elven themes, and comprise of the majority of High elves we’ve played throughout the RTS games in the past. The fact that alliance high elves retained the name “High elf” isn’t an argument that they have ownership over every High elf theme in the game.
Heck even Elisande points out that the behavior of the Alliance High elves are undeserving of the name High elf due to how much they’ve strayed from their ancestral roots, and is the focus of her criticism while addressing them.
Secondly the players are defending visual themes of a race that have been playable on their faction for over a decade, this supersedes unplayable NPCS. You can’t tell people they’re being spiteful for defending themes they care about protecting.
Simply saying it’s flawed doesn’t make it so, especially when it’s supported and shared among many other players, most of which make up the opposition of the helf cause. Proof would have been simply giving you High elves, but they didn’t, at this point there are still visual blood elf themes unclaimed by the Void elf players, and this was likely a very intentional decision related to what Ion went over in that interview.
These new options were merely a gesture of compromise where each side traded requested themes, which wouldn’t have happened if the community weren’t so vocal about their desire for blue eyes. But I don’t see that happening again, personally.
I mean it’s not like the devs have ever felt the need to tell the anti-crowd to please be respectful to others but that’s also not to say they don’t also have bad apples of their own. The helf crowd is certainly known in the forums for spamming and derailing threads, and generally being super reactive to anyone, and anything that doesn’t agree with them.
Even WoWhead retaliated against the helf crowed when they started harassing one of the site developers for including blue eye customizations on the Blood elf page, and was seen posting things like “Blood elves are our High elves” and other lines mostly spoken by the anti community. Even Keyboardturner (A dataminer) who is a helfer herself was swarmed upon for not agreeing with an idea within the helf group, to the point where she even took a break from her twitter.
This is a contrived thing to say, as it assumes that you’re in the right simply because you say so, which isn’t how this works. Both sides believe they’re right, and both sides could say they’ve refuted the arguments of the opposition, but let’s not start making self-proclamations on who is right, and who is wrong, over a generally subjective topic.
Again, this is a contrived response.
Antis do not pull strawmans any less than the Helf crowd does, and many of the things you use as evidence for your arguments rings false, and are subsequently called out on it. You can’t say “I’m right by default” and then without actually proving it, use the arguments against you as evidence that others are being unreasonable.
Except not as a playable race, which is the most important detail. Player races have priority over the presence of NPCS, especially if said NPCS are said to be physically identical, because then game balancing is involved. Races found on the other faction are often found on the other side, like Valeera for instance - this does not mean those races should be available to that faction of players.