New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

They could give them different shades of brown as well. Maybe even borrow the Kul Tiran color.

i want gnome hair colors. :purple_heart:

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Is that Naga with legs? Like two-legged Motaro?

It’s not the weirdest idea. It’s honestly the only thing I could see working.

Still though, a fish faced Naga Male in full giant plate riding side saddle like a pretty princess?

Seems a little… fishy doesn’t it?

Jeez I’m infected with Khadgar’s disease.

No. It’s similar to Worgens where the Nagas can turn into like Scaly Highborne Nelves but become Nagas in combat. Having a “normal” form would allow them to tackle Armor and Mount Issues.

Oh come on! Why does everything else get to steal our thing before we get it!?

I just want the thing the manual said I was supposed to have when I got the game


It’s a crime that they didn’t re-do Plainsrunning in the style of Running Wild.

It being a cast time. Not the all fours thing.

I could see of them fitting the High Elf look too. Maybe give them the Blue hair and even the pink color? The blue definitely would fit nicely.

the males could sit higher in the saddle, so your eye is drawn to how magestic they look, instead of where their tail is curling.

I’m just giving an example I use for RP.

I’m not sure how horrified people are now with DHs running around.


Basically they were good soldiers who missed the opportunity to nope out with the scryers and we’re rewarded with the gift of becoming a Felblood. Saying no not an option so they had no choice. They noped out while adventurers attacked the throne.

They return in disguise with a jealously guarded secret. I mean if players in an illusion can run around Suramar.

DHs are the only plot hole, but maybe they become DHs.

and the light purple, to go with purple eyes. :purple_heart:

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Don’t even look like the same species as the females tbh.

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I’m just being silly.

It’s kind of my thing. :wink:

Honestly though, it would look strange in general, but so does half the stuff in this game.

If I remember correctly, the initial idea was just automatic, where you picked up speed the longer you were running somewhere.

and instead of leaves in their hair, they have seashells.


Yes. They couldn’t get it to work well.

What I mean is they got it to work with Worgen, so Tauren should get it too now.


Just saying if Horde got Naga Nelves, I would instantly switch from Neutral to Pro High Elf AR.

The difference here is that the Demon Hunters sacrificed everything (What have you given?) while the Felblood Elves were like “Fel? Yum!

long overdue horde allied race are the naga.

And the San’layn!