New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Thank you.



I hope so. :pleading_face:

The purple color is really nice looking, but I wish there was a version of it with more visible pupils like some of the blue ones.

That alone is going to steer me towards those two specific colors for most of my characters, I think.

Watch WoW become a war between the blondes and the brunettes lol :joy:

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There is, but so far itā€™s NPC only sadly.

Alamara, can you link a pic of it please?

Like the high elves have in alphaā€¦ I really want that look for void elves. Make sense, the color is perfect, and I prefer the clear pupils.

This color is unavailable for both blood and void elvesā€¦ :frowning:


I would love that one!

Please Blizz!


Yes, that! Very much that.

I would love that being a usable option. That looks gorgeous.

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Thank you! :purple_heart:

And yes, I hope so much it becomes playable.


May I just say, before I head back out into the ether from whence I came for a moment:

Congrats to the Helfers who got standard skin tones for Velfs and to the Belfs who got blue eyes. Hopefully this draws to close some of the bitter feuds waged in the pro and anti helf threads of days gone by.

Peace out.


MURGYYYYYYY! Donā€™t leave!

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Those would be so neat on my other maaaage.

But TBF, eye color is the easiest thing to dismiss IMO. Easiest thing to photoshop ah!

fingers crossed for some natural hair colors tbh, even if itā€™s blonde and brown, but I do believe VEā€™s need white and black


Sorry dear, I just popped in after dlā€™ing the latest patch and saw the announcement of the changes. Iā€™m not staying, and still not playing - at least not at this point in time. Iā€™m occupying myself with Destiny 2 and Red Dead Redemption 2 while waiting on Amazon to get New World ready for beta. I expect Iā€™ll be back just before Shadowlands drops so I can prepare Murg, Hiply, Wylee, and Kylo for their respective covenants.

I donā€™t expect Iā€™ll do much in the way of foruming then either, the last days of my forum time are still a slightly bitter taste for me. :slight_smile:


But I miss you! :frowning:


And I you, Avarie. Iā€™m glad you got what you wanted on the Void customisation front - and who knows what tomorrows may bring. :slight_smile:



I am still hoping for more on that front, but my night elves will be more beautiful. If you ever want to chat my discord is Freakishlyhuman#6205, though Iā€™ll understand if not. I am happy you at least dropped by and I hope everything is going well for you!


Iā€™m not sure that the more heated conflicts are completely behind us (much as I wish they were), but I think weā€™re gradually approaching the point at which itā€™s starting to burn itself out.

This thread at least has been trending more friendly as of late, and at itā€™s best thereā€™s been much more cordial discussions about what could be in the future for both Blood Elves and Void Elves, and the disagreements have been a lot more low key.

Pretty sure the closer we get to the expansion, especially once the prepatch happens, things will largely quiet down on both ends of this whole thing.

At least, I can hope. :blush: Iā€™m tired of the arguing and much happier to take part in this thread when itā€™s a combined celebration of all elf-kind and excitement over potential ideas for what people could do with their characters.


Totally yes on thisā€¦



What they did the the Blood Elf heritage armor is a travesty!

We are playing in the age of transmog and have been for some time. The artists need to design every piece with the thought of them being used individually and not just with their intended set. We used to get boots with actual 3d geometry with cloth robe sets back in the day. You can see it with sets like Arcanist, and Netherwind. As time has gone on, they artists have swapped to flat ā€œsocksā€ nearly every chance they get with robe sets and its not fair.


Murg! No! Donā€™t go!

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waves him off with a smelly sock