New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I meant white hair specifically, sorry. Surprised Void Elves don’t have it anyways.


Yess!! Void Elves got the best out of all of the AR races, that’s just facts. I just hope that they give the Nightborne some love because Lord have mercy and also Dark Ranger stuff for BE’s!

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I haven’t seen any highborne stuff… What you mean?

I’m just guessing, but maybe Dorp was referring to a combination of: these eyes, this hair, and this jewellery?

How do we know this? You’re like the Mandalorian who never takes off his helmet.

You promised you wouldn’t tell. :sob:

The eyes are just the females getting their golden eyes.

All players should have always had them since all it denotes is the likely ability to rise to notoriety.

Now there are bluer eyes among the silver and gold that I think are meant for Shen’dralar. Looks a lot more like high elf blue to me.

The hair just gives night elves ab autumnal look they’ve always needed.

The jewelry better not be the only indication of highborne since that’s just as likely just night elf.

I don’t know. I don’t see much highborne.

I’ve seen him without his helmet.

Maybe you’re looking too low?

I’ll get my coat.

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And this skin:

You can look very highborne with the options, but there’s not a lot of variety.

Case in point, just remove the vines:

I mean, is it really that hard to accomplish?

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Yep, more hair styles and hair colours.

And I vote for this hair style too <3


I’m sure one can manage to look like a Shen’dralar. I definitely wouldn’t count golden eyes for that though and certainly nothing about vines and plants.

I do hope blizzard does add actual Shen’dralar stuff more akin to the nightborne. (jewelry and tattoos. Maybe more eye colors)

Yeah. No arcane tattoos though. That’s a Nightborne thing.

They are Night Elves but it at least gives them their own flavor.


I think they should get tattoos like the Night Elves have, but make those less druidy and more arcane looking. Angular maybe? Runic?


Yeah. They can have tattoos for sure. Should just let Nightborne have their arcane tats themselves.


I would still like to see some Night Elf variant of those ear coverings the Nightborne have.

If I were an actual race with such giant ears I’d develop armor for them too.

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I use mine like daggers. Gives me extra AP.


I mean, don’t about 50% of the Nightborne run around half-naked anyway? Just look at Elisande.

They kind of seem like a decorative thing.

Their armor is clearly magical. :stuck_out_tongue: Probably just reflects blades and stuff.

Night Elves also tend to run around somewhat exposed. I think thats just an elf thing.

Still ear armor. Its gonna be big. You small ears wouldn’t understand.