New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Hey guys, what’s going on toda-



I have shadow magic for you Lori.


I’ll just steal those mogs too, just for you!

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Never before have I been so sad to not have trust level 3.

Who’s to say that we aren’t getting blonde hair? No one knows what the Void Elves will recieve, seems kind of weird for you to assume that. Like you stated above, these changes are for both races to feel and look like High Elves.

It only makes sense to me that they would incorporate hair color and styles that would reflect that. For example: Alleria and Veressa. I’m pretty confident that Blonde and White will be the minimum.


Blizz seems to be adding things as they go. Maybe Void Elves will get more hair styles and colors, but maybe not

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The forums are badly designed.

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I just want red hair for my void elves! GIMME!

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I just wanted to be funny but I guess that’s not allowed :frowning:

Once upon a time I had this privilege. How dare I take a break I guess. :disappointed_relieved:


This is like saying any race that has Paladin as a class has a “light” theme by default. I don’t see anything particularly “light” themed about Blood Elves beyond their golden eye option. I don’t agree that Blood Elves are “light themed” just because they have no other look.


For real though. I get losing it by breaking forum rules, but taking an actual forum vacation doesn’t make anyone less trustworthy

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Maybe I turned crazy and evil in the few months I wasn’t posting! You never know! :crazy_face:

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Not allowed at all.

Blood elves were released with the paladin class as the Horde’s only paladin class back in TBC. All of TBC revolved around how they dealt with the philosophy of light, how they felt betrayed, then redeemed themselves.

You see a blood elf and you think “those guys who tortured a naaru to be paladins.” and so they don’t have any theme otherwise.

For void elves to copy their look means they copy this theme.
Evne if you want to drop lore out of it, you still end up with

“plain” vs “void OR plain”
Two flavors better than one.

Don’t justify bad forum design!


Blood elves are named blood elves so their theme is blood, duh!

And blood elves envied void elf beards…


Yes. When they decided to give Paladins to the Horde and Shamans to the Alliance, they did a really good job on Blood Elf Paladin lore imo.

Draenei Shaman kinda felt like an afterthought in comparison, since by then the Light was already so important to the Draenei plot.


Draenei in general felt like an afterthought imo

That’s because they were. Elves were going to be Alliance, but they changed their minds and made them Horde. That left them to scramble for a race for Alliance. They were gonna go with Pandaren for some reason before they did the Draenei retcon.

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