New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Maybe some people just can’t let the past go.


I actually can’t wait to see what they got installed for Night Elves.

That’s true. But then again, I can’t really speak for those in game, but can’t really say whether they are actually happy or unhappy. Some could be, “I want this, but I guess this will have to do because it is the closest I can get too”

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Since they also gave Goblins ear options it seems likely more races are getting them, we just haven’t seen it yet.


Yeah, probably not. At least we can RP as Vulcans now. :rofl:


Unless they change their mind!

Wishful thinking, I know.

Deep bias. I’ve been there, it sucks.


Oh god. I do not want to run in a dungeon with people saying, “Your tanking or healing or damage is not logical”.


Reno said “all the jewelry”, so I chose to take the term ambiguously.
The gold chain I was referring isn’t any of the datamined Blood Elf jewelry.
It was simply a jest. :wink:

I’m not happy with it. Alliance mitts off Horde races pls.

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I just remind myself life is temporary and it is not worth being angry over.


I was worried about your sight and/or taste back there for a minute…

I don´t think much people could genuinelly like those “customizations”, they were awful.

So much this. also, being told no millions of times in life in regards to million differents things is kinda part of life, nothing to get depressed about me thinks.


You’ll just have to smite us with the Light in an attempt to vaporize us. :sun_with_face:

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That is probably the reason for the Anger. Because life is only temporary.

I just want to live forever

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Holy priests get out :point_right:, this is a no holy priest zone :no_good_woman:.

Make me jealous being able to post YouTube videos :frowning: :sob:

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It’s a glitch that level 2s can’t. It thinks you’re trying to post an image. You have to post it before the image loads.

And you’ll think Blizzard would do somethi… Oh wait, Blizzard. Nevermind.

The forums are third party, aren’t they?

I can confirm this, at least in my experience.

As soon as The Burning Crusade launched, my old Horde server was immediately flooded with a lot of incredibly unfriendly people rolling fresh Blood Elves and whining about how much they hated Orgrimmar.