New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I’m not crazy about Blood Elves getting blue eyes, but with Void Elves getting normal skin tones all I need is blonde hair options for VEs and I’ll be happy with it as an alternative to a full High Elf race.


so basically the blood elves are now a neutral race.

the high elf debate is over.


Nice. I hate elves but I’m glad people looking to make alliance high elves finally get to make them, at least in appearance.

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Here we go… :roll_eyes:

I am unsure of what you are talking about? I havent said anything about capitals in my original post. And technically, they could both have different capitals? I could care less about Silvermoon… If Alliance got Blood elves from the beginning would you still be defending the race like you are right now?

My nelf feels very unloved now


Blood elves and void elves are not a neutral race, now. My husband wants to play a high elf on a void elf but I don’t like void elves. We RP and play together a lot so what are we going to do, quest together but not go into main cities together because he’s on a void and I on a blood? That’s impossible.

How cute would the forms be for Goblin and Vulpera druids?? :scream_cat:


that’s just being extremely picky

just because it doesnt say “High elf warrior” on your name doesnt mean anything.

if anything this is the cloest thing you will ever have as high elf just without the “high elf class” on your name.

if you ask me fair decision from dev’s however blood elves are now kinda pandarens 2.0.

Honestly Paladin wouldn’t make sense for either of those imo, at most I could see some lore modifications to allow for Mag’har Paladins. Vulpera Druids I’m totally cool with, surprised it didn’t happen TBH. Demon Hunters probably won’t get any expansion for either faction for awhile, if ever.

I disagree completely. They are adding to the void elf lore. Void elves and the alliance high elves have been seen together in the game for a long time now. Between Alleria and Vereesa reconnecting, the high elf wayfarers in Telogrus Rift, the high elf sorceress and void elf walking around the mage quarter. It’s clear they are trying to draw the groups together, under the same umbrella.

I think this will provide for very interesting and unique story opportunities moving forward. You can keep your blue skin tone and blue hair, as can anyone else that wants to. It’s not diluting anything by adding numbers, resources and a deeply intertwined history to the ren’dorei.

I believe we’ll see a lot of interesting lore developments out of this. It’s almost as if they are gearing up the blood elves and the void elves to be on opposing sides for an eventual light vs void expansion.


I am not saying this, I am saying that we can’t play together if he is on a void elf and I am on a blood elf and won’t be able to go into the same main cities. Where did your argument even come from? I didn’t say this or anything you inferred within my post. Were you talking to yourself and misclicked my post?

that’s basically faction restrictions… nothing like that needs to be fixed blue vs red.

What the other poster said made sense in that BE’s could have become like pandas and chosen their factions instead of adding VE’s but since they already went with VE’s, it’s too late.

That’s what I meant. Would have been less work for Blizzard, maybe less complaining from playerbase too.

Doesn’t matter because it’s too late. So moving on.

I´m even more unsure you understand what it means -both gameplay AND lorewise- to make a race “neutral”. FYI it indeeds imply stuff like removing the exclusive access from a faction and making it available to everybody and their mother (see: Dalaran in WotLK and Legion).

Pandas don´t even have their own stuff, and the shared stuff -the turtle- is exactly that: shared and available to both Horde and Alliance players. So when you say you rather devs make Belves neutral, you are exactly asking the devs to make ALL the Belf exclusive stuff and made it available for everybody… regardless on how this impacts Horde.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been there, but doesn’t the Void Elf starting area have some VE NPCs who look like normal Blood and High Elves?

Yep, and they are literally called 'High Elf Wayfarer"


My main point was that they are not neutral… My main point stands

Considering I despise A LOT the Alliance flavor and themes, I probably would have never played that version of Belves.

I know it can be surprising, but some of us actually prefer a faction flavor OVER a mutilated racial one…


As soon as he said that my mind immediately went to the type of blue eyes Vereesa has. I figured the glowing eyes didn’t really count toward that.

Blood elves have the most Alliance looking aesthetic but sure.