New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

/flex :muscle:

Hey! This is a no flex zone. We are having a peaceful conversation here, put the guns away.



Buā€¦ Buā€¦ Buā€¦ Butā€¦ I wanted to show off my muscles.


I am a hunter, I canā€™t do that.

Avarie has you beat as a hunter.

Lucky. I wish I could keep out my gunsā€¦ Sucks to be a Warā€¦ Oh wait, hold up.

There we go. Now I canā€™t put my guns away.

Rogues are also weak and tiny muscled.

You have to be pretty ripped to use a good bow actually.

Seems all shape shifts are getting separated customizations. Like Worgen/Human and Druid forms.

Entropic Embrace counts as a shapeshift soā€¦


These are facts.

Consider how much resistance was involved in firing an arrow, then imagine doing it hundreds of times.
Of course it did cause quite a bit of body problems.

Youā€™re getting my hopes up. I am getting really exicited.

Hopefully can fully hide it too.


Thatā€™s so cool! If thatā€™s the case the part of the HE community that doesnā€™t want the entropic embrace effects to show can have their wish!!! All we really need is the lore / of the HE wayfarers and I am as they the most happy.

Even for people who donā€™t want to be Alliance High Elves who now follow Alleria, it is sort of cool to think how much of the Void is effecting you or not, if youā€™re a new former Blood Elf for example maybe it doesnā€™t show so much etc.

Itā€™s not a deal breaker for me but Iā€™m very happy for those who find it to be important.


Oh, Iā€™m just as happy to actually be a High Elf, instead of a Void Elf. After all, donā€™t have to go by what our nameplates say.


you are still asking for a lot, you have the role play


Weā€™re not asking for much. Been asking for High Elves for 15 years. Should have got the Allied Race.

For some reason requests like Magā€™har got through.


I donā€™t need big muscles to put a dagger in your back. :dagger:

Seems like thatā€™s it for this build. Tauren were the MVPs.

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Because normal and Magā€™har orcs are on the same faction. Blood and High Elves are not.

You do to get through my armor!

asks for a copy of another factionā€™s race

is surprised Horde get a race that isnā€™t on the other faction already

Very different types of requests there