New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Only way I would personally support undead NE rangers, is if they differentiate them enough from actual Nightelves on the Alliance. I just don’t wanna see further cloning done across the factions, I really like Nightelves and ofcourse want them to retain their cool unique looks.

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It could be something akin to druids lorewise, and is druids gameplay wise. Like tauren pallies. I would be fine with them having shaman instead though.

I’m unsure also, they did leave with Calia… and Blizzard said Calia is not going to be the new Forsaken leader (as a BE player who loves forsaken I hope she’s not) so I’m hoping she takes them back to the Alliance, and they just end up as customization.

One thing about the Forsaken, I heard it wouldn’t be good to give forsaken access to all models of the game. But also from what we know of Sylvanas she still in her own way thought of herself as an Elf, she said goodbye to us in Quel’thalas not the ruins of Undercity for example (I know it’s plagued but we met Calia in that zone so Sylvanas could have met up with us somewhere close in proximity too), so the idea of a Forsaken Elf is important I think there. And then I’ve also seen people point out there is so many good things they can do with forsaken then making them another outlet for more Elves, so just speaking from me as someone who finds the Undead part just as much as the Elf part, I prefer the undead options go to the races they are aligned with.

But I agree with you I’d prefer them Horde lol, I just can’t fathom a way unless it brings Calia to Horde as well, and also throws the BE customization to the Undead.

As Avarie said, there is a passive that increases your damage when you don’t have a pet summoned. Here is a link to it if you were curious.


Ah okay thank you both :smile:

I’m sure many will live out their Ranger stories as a HE so that is exciting!!


Survival is pretty cool, IMO. Especially for soloing stuff and doing quests.

I still want high elves that start with a pet hummingbird.

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That would be lame.
Hummingbirds are fragile and weak.
Needs to be an eagle

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If I recall correctly, Lone Wolf is better for AoE damage, while using a pet is better for single target. A Cunning type pet is also a must have for PvP. So if you find yourself in need of a pet, a Bird of Prey goes pretty well with a Ranger feel.

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It’s a choice mostly. You get more dmg if you don’t have it but you can summon it for harder fights and pvp and such.

(just saw this was already answered. Lol)

Love it!

I intend to have a wayfarer but I’m not sure what the story will be yet.

The best looking balance druid is where my, admittedly biased, vote would go. Lol

They are speedy and agile and will peck your eyes out with their long sharp beak. :angry:

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Alamara is best blue elf


Pfft, they’d die from exhaustion alone.

Humming birds are evil! They will make a fine hunter pet.

(damned things always attack me in real life.)


I know plenty. From day 1 helfers were complaining that Void Elves were exiled Blood Elves instead of High Elves that had always been part of the Alliance.

So have I, originally on my BE DK and later this rogue.

There is nothing wrong with removing everything that makes Void Elves, Void Elves? I disagree. Everything is wrong with that, and I will continue to say so.

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You must be a sweet person.


Not how most describe me.

Don’t really know why; I’ve never gone out of my way to harm one but since I was a kid they’ve swooped me and pecked me…

I think I can, I think I can…!
Oop, no, my heart! I can’t!

No one is asking to remove anything, only to add.

You are losing nothing.


Then play a normal skinned Void Elf and RP as a High Elf.