New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Blonde hair is not exclusive for blood elves, other races have this hair color.

Why this obsession with blonde hair? Why this matter so much to you that some players want to use this hair color in their characters?


There is nothing wrong with void elves, there are several wayfare and some are blond

so if blood elfs give it to them we don’t complain

I am eagerly anticipating the reveal of a blonde hair option for Void Elves… and the inevitable goalpost move to “well you still don’t have paladins!” that will immediately follow.


When is a new build likely to be up? Does anyone know?

lets fight…
it was just a random name i chose for the rag tag group of elves remaining that fit both void and the silver covenant.

It seems to make sense since they are both culturally from the same elves that they would join together to make a elven society.

But you scrap magic eating elves are a needy bunch of blokes who will never be happy

Vulcans are just alien elves. :stuck_out_tongue:

Alleria is proof that Void Elves can have blonde hair. No reason to get upset over that.


Oh I absolutely agree with you! But it won’t stop some people’s heads from exploding. :rofl:


Not playable Alliance high elves.

So, Emo-less Elves :open_mouth:

That new middle option for EE is beautiful. I love it.

I approve this message. The cheese is evil.

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Nah they have cows. Don’t need to take Tauren milk.

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No build today/tonight?

I haven’t seen anything so far.

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I’m assuming that means tomorrow night, then. Give us our High Elf stuff already, Blizzard :eyes:


No build yet.

I’m afraid next build will come after they announce whatever they were going to announce yesterday. :frowning:


That could be a while :woman_facepalming:

That would be a bummer.

Disabling Entropic Embrace has no effect on anyone who wants it.

People want a toggle option or some alternative racial for the High Elf look.

In no way, shape or form does that hurt Void Elf players who want to keep the Void look.