New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Nah, Worgen just lick… eh… wait…

I better not go there. Keep it PG.

That…is grosser than Jaina and her dragon.

But you’ll look so pretty :frowning:

And you went there.

NO! I refuse

We all knew what it was, I just was honest about it.

Fine, I won’t use the glitter. :angry:

Cool, now stand still so I can hit you with 5 Templar verdicts in a row

And lets not go there. Worgen may lick each other, but no need to know what Jaina does to her dragon.

How do you feel about being bedazzled?

Also, I never hold still.

oh oh, where? i’m interested in this. i promised a belf player on the forums, that i’d help her ask for belf druids.

Dont worry, the dead don’t move. >=(

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i was thinking it’d be cool if it was just on top of whatever you’re wearing.

correction, a traditional elf. in fact, any flavor of human skin color would satisfy me and i’d be more than happy if our helfers borrowed gnome hair colors instead of belf hair colors, but only if we can have them as customizations. hehe

Traditional elves were called faeries and varied in terms of appearance. There were also dark elves as well and their depiction varied quite a bit.
Different is good. I like different.
You guys may not like void elves but id take em for the horde=p

you know what i mean. like this

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I know what you mean hyper.
Btw, you left the discord, and I had just gotten a headset too

I can’t wait for all the new changes!

And I’m just going to sit here and sigh and bang my head on my desk for a bit


void elves have the potential to be so cool too…
we are also one of the few races who don’t have a defined culture yet!
It will be fun to sorta be able to be apart of a race that you get to watch grow as your character grows within it.

High elves are kinda basic. why would you want to be basic.
Blood elves have a sad history which caused them to be cold and power hungry. they are cool.
High elves are just like… meh


The void elf theme is goingto take a back seat.