New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

I further believe that the race from the beginning should have been “High Elves” and Void Elves should have came with it as a bonus customization. Story could have been Vereesa leading her band of High Elves to Argus and we meet up With Alleria and her Void Elves who were survivors of the Wc2 Beyond the Dark Portal campaign that were with her and Turalyon fighting the legion in the nether. They could have had their rep faction which would lead to the High Elf allied race with the Velf options as well.

EDIT: Meant Argus, not Draenor.


At this point idk why they don’t have a tattoo pack for all races, most of them could be racial based and a few faction based.


Yes, all races should get tatts!


Honey we have been saying that since the beginning, so a lot of people definitely agree with ya.

But what’s done is done, and safe from a retcon, all we can do is watch how this unfolds now, and if it even addresses the HE issue.


I agree. I would give this a thumbs up but i’m out of likes atm.

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And for a little change…



hah don’t worry, I’ll give you one!

They really missed the opportunity to just make a core race and make you choose from a drop down box for the region/tribe/group that you want.


I mean, we could spend days talking about missing opportunities.


When it comes to the Wildhammer I really just wanna see them have druids. Especially if there’s some kind of Druidic Dwarf beard to go with it that has twigs and stuff in it lol.


That’s for sure! That would have allowed different classes to be selected based on the drop down option.

For ex: If you choose a wild hammer dwarf, you would be able to select the tattoos and have access to shaman, but maybe not Paladin or warlock.

Then in the case of void and high elf, same thing, high elf may not be a warlock, but could be a Paladin… and I could go on.


All the forms would have beards!

bearded bear! bearded cat! bearded moonkin!, bearded flight form! bearded aquatic form, bearded stag form! bearded… tree form?


Hopefully it’s not too late for them to consider this down the line, I’ve always thought the AR system as it is now is messy, a consolidation under their “parent race”, seems like a better way to continue to add onto this system going forward.


It makes sense, plus it would make it easier for them to make more additions as they go vs making a whole new group or race everytime.


Agreed, but IMO it’s entirely too late for any reestructuration to happen at this point.

Oh yeah, definitely didn’t mean shadowlands or anything, was thinking definitely a 10.0 type thing.

Tiara is cute.

I logged in Ardenweald with my WILDHAMAAAAAAHHH, and there was a female blood elf mage with blue eyes. It will take time to get used to players looking like that, lol.

Oh, BTW, night elves are locked now. Seems like they’ll be next!


Yes and no.

One hand they now will probably make as many of the similar options between the core an allied races available for both. All they have to do is keep the name of the race and consolidate their tabs.

-Human and KT human
-Bronze Beard, Wild hammer, dark iron
-tauren, HMT
-Draenei and LFD
-Gnome and mechagnome
-darkspear troll, forest troll and Zandalari troll (ton more troll sub races)
-void elf and high elf
-orc, Maghar, and mok Nathal
-blood elf and Sanlayn
-night elf and highborne

Iam sure I’ve missed some, but with the options it would change your racials and the class options. If blizz has time to do this??? Idk just makes a cleaner selection screen and kind of exiting when you select a dwarf and see you have 3 variations to choose from.

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Would be pretty sweet tbh, we could see a lot more niche groups being addressed. The way I would like it to be:

“Race”: Draenei - Thalassian Elf - Night Elf - Dwarf -etc

“Origin”: Dreanor, Lightforged -Void, Highvale, Silver Covenant -Darnassian, Highborne - Bronzebeard, Wildhammer

“Racials”: Shared by the race, with one active and one passive unique to origin.

Origin name gives you an specific tooltip tag, with some remaining the base version (Draenei, Night Elf) and others adding a qualifier (Bronzebeard Dwarf, Wildhammer Dwarf) and others replacing (Highborne, Highvale Elf)