New Customisations for Dracthyr based on Tier Set Completions

As the title states :point_up:

Essentially to spark up the customisation from just the shoulders & at times the belt – Provide additional customisations @ the barber for each Evoker transmog set completed. :grin:

  • Sparks up the appeal for Evokers (Essentially having a similar solution to druids with the artifact weapons in Legion, to provide some appeal in the forms that conceal a lot).
  • Ultimately this could prove as a good experiment too :lab_coat: :test_tube: … For eventually extending towards other classes & races for unique barber-customisations on particular tier sets completed in the future.
  • Bring some additional identity to players & the characters they play. :partying_face:

To this day it’s still crazy to me how the raid sets designed for evoker, the one class that can only be played by Dracthyr … doesn’t even show on dracthyr form? I genuinely feel so bad for dracthyr players, like please blizzard at least give the lizards something so they’re not naked :dracthyr_cry_animated:


Too much work for the small indie company.


I wouldn’t mind some Infinite Flight customization.


If it did extend to other classes, I’d love to have the tattoos some tier sets add as proper customizations. We need more tattoos, for everyone!


If they extended Dracthyr themselves to other classes from Evoker, they could perhaps use Evokers as the cornerstone of the race’s customisations – Completing tier sets on Dracthyr Evoker unlocks the customisations for all Dracthyr, regardless of class. :thinking:

Such could perhaps extend to other races & classes, but perhaps in category than singular (Eg. ‘Casters’ instead of ‘Blood Elf Mage / Night Elf Priest’ ) — Making it expansion based "Completing the tier set of each raid within X expansion earns you a unique race-set for your class category (Cloth / Leather / Mail / Plate) and character-customisations to match. :grin:

Dracthyr only sets are tier sets. So what are you saying? Someone has to create an entire tier set to get more barbershop customization?

Also: allow me to hide my armor while in lizard form, separate from my visage form.

I meant to have the sets more visibly reflected & seen in their Dragonkin form than just their humanoid form …

As explained.

And? Such is the case with literally any and every aspect of the game, especially with customisations. It’s always such a BS copout excuse for people to just say “Oh but we shouldn’t do that because someone has to create X thing for it to happen.” – Like yeah … No duh. That’s literally the request.

Okay? Then just don’t select the customisations earned at the barbershop & leave your lizard form as it is. Figured it’d be a no-brainer there.

— Now I will say my sincere apologies to you @ the abruptness of my responses: If you merely didn’t understand what I meant & wanted further clarification – However in my defence, with many others & my own experience with the forums, such is rarely the case …

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It wasn’t clear to me, thus why I asked. Blame my arthritis. Stupid storm is coming through, so I’m doing pain management.

I was confused, because right now, I don’t have to create an entire set to unlock pieces of transmog. The way it sounded is that I have to unlock an entire tier set for transmog in order for a new set of barbershop customizations to become available. I wasn’t sure if that’s what you meant. Or if you meant that tier set needed to be completed entirely and a look alike would be in the barbershop?

My brain may not be working properly tonight. Sorry. lol

I think I probably didn’t explain that well enough, because I’m talking about how things are right now and what’s available to us right now. I’ll try to clarify better if I can.

Right now, the transmog I choose for my visage means those shoulders and that belt show on my lizard form. I’d like to see visage transmog separated from lizard transmog, so that I can choose transmog for each, not be forced to see it on lizard or vice versa.

Hope that helps.

Yep, just was looking for more clarification.

Because this has been me today:

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Ah, all good then. :slight_smile:
And ahaha we all have those days, don’t worry :sweat_smile:

Yep that’s the idea I’m going for. So for example if you complete a tier, you merely unlock the customisations at the barber shop for you to select – Not forced upon you. Power to the people of sorts :yum: Thus more options to select from what we currently have. :grin: Just unlockable via tier-completion (Like an achievement reward).

So essentially you could make your character’s alterations for:

  • If you want your dragon appeal to match your current tier mogged or equipped.
  • Or have a different tier appeal in your dragon form to the gear you have currently transmogged or are using.

One or the other essentially. Best comparison I can think of is to the artifact weapons for druids in Legion – You could have them transmogged to one appearance, but have the animal form be another. :slight_smile:

Giving more customisations to Dracthyr – to make up for the lack-there-of seen in their ‘Lizard form’ and something to strive for in achieving. :blush:

Infinite customizations are one thing Dracthyr aren’t lacking in. If anything, their only ‘black’ scale coloration works best with the bright cyan-blues secondary color as it is more of a dark blue instead of black.

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Another cool idea would be to have certain Dragon-Riding customisation manuscripts extend to Dracthyr appearance-unlockables too. :thinking:

  • It’d be cool to see some lightning-Raszageth-vibe features or shadowflame / fiery-Fyrakk features upon Dracthyr as well. :star_struck:


That and / or perhaps return to the roots of the Dracthyr’s lore, perhaps via quest-item drops; starting a questline into giving them Drakonid or Tarasek forms – along with the elementally-infused versions (Such as Eranog, Veltrax & Subterrax) after further requirements or achievements are met later on.

It’d certainly give Dracthyr players something to look forward towards & strive for – especially those who enjoy customisations :blush: T’would also be pretty good starting-grounds for extending Dracthyr beyond the one class, but even if they decide not to do that – Further classes aside, the customisations alone would be fantastic. :grin:

Or… Make armor work on them.



– Both sounds good. :grin:

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