New Currency Transfers, WuE gear and Warband Bank

They don’t transfer anything useful to character progression. Any of the item upgrade currencies. I was under the impression that Blizzard was going to make it easier, but I am not seeing much in that way. Even the WuE gear won’t be useful after it equips. Sometimes you have to put it on to see how it effects your stats. You mean I got to bust out a calculator every time I use it. And why should it be a lower Ilvl then the one I might need on my main? I mean cmon, its still gear within the warband, big deal if I want to try it out on one character then send it to another. And we don’t even know how much of it is going to drop. I guess I don’t get it. Doesn’t seem that alt friendly after all. I guess to compared from before, yeah maybe, but that is like saying, we had a thimble full of water to drink, now we have a cup to last us the week.
Where are the warband banks? Or should I ask when are they coming out?

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What’s WuE gear?

Disabled, to be released whenever they can get them working. I suspect this will be next week, but I’m not aware of any official time table on it. They’ve just said “as soon as we can,” so far as I’m aware.

Warband until equipped. WuE gear :slight_smile:

I thought originally that we wouldn’t see them (Warband Bank) until the expansion dropped. But then they announced it was coming with pre patch. So, now I want them. It’s like saying hey everyone how about burgers tonight for dinner. Then dinner comes and they go, how about tuna sandwich instead? I mean, I like tuna, just saying.

What gave you the impression those currencies would be Warbound?

From an April 17th article:

Note that there will still be many currencies that will remain non-transferable because they represent important character-based progression. Two examples of these are the Crest and Flightstone equivalents in The War Within .

July 11 says the same thing as do the Live patch notes.

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Well you should start reading patch notes and dev posts. You’ll be much more informed and less surprised about things we all already knew.

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I guess I should read more dev notes and articles, but I still think that those other currencies should be tradeable if they really are trying to make the game alt friendly. Just my opinion though.