New crafting UI is terrible

Click, click, click, click…
ALOT of clicks and hover over to get my info.
Should it not be simple to se the info.
This is a VERY bad UI. From the beginning it was easy.
Choose skill in menu, mark and voila there is what i want.
Now it is like a orientation maraton.

The crafting view is ok it is the general overview that is bad.
I am missing the overall menues. I want to EASY choose what level i am working on and that i dont want to have to mouse over for info.
Put back the level text in the bar.


This is my biggest gripe, ironically.


I like some aspects but I agree it could be streamlined.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

My only issue is that if you’re on a laptop or something, the UI takes up alot of screen real estate.


I don’t like how it now takes over your screen. For instance, you can’t have the bank or guild bank open when crafting, which is counter productive to making proper amounts etc.

That annoys the hell out of me now. But outside of that, the new menus have been OK. I’m guessing they’re testing the waters, which is fine as long as it’s not totally broken. But what I said above… omg drives me nuts when I’m providing for the guild.


I liked the colour of the item that would give you a skill. Now they are all white and I have no idea if it would give a skill or not. Yeah there is a “has skill up” you can check, but it forgets what you selected when you close the crafting window. Also you can’t have it open when in the AH so you can shift click the ingredients to buy what you need.

It needs work, and not just use an addon. I am trying to not use too many addons.

It isn’t just a laptop screen. I am on desktop, I have a 34 inch monitor and it takes up a huge amount of my screen too.


Oh really?! I thought it was just because I was on a laptop. :sob:

Using a 32" and it takes up 3/4 of my screen. Don’t like how it lists everything as I couldn’t originally figure out what gave me a skill up at first, until I noticed the little green (low), white (possible) and yellow (guaranteed) chevrons next to certain spells. Also took me some time to see some spells that had three levels.

Hoping someone makes an add-on for this because I really don’t like the changes on this update. Still not a fan of not being able to adjust the chat box size, but using Spartan UI allows me to keep the map where I want in a size I like and some graphics.


I guess my biggest question is why in the he11 is the crafting window so big and not customizable so that you can open two windows at the same time like the crafting window and the A.H window? Blizzard dam well knows that these two windows go hand and had together? if there is a way to do so, please let me know because I cannot figure it out.


Agreed. Never abuse tooltip usage. I’m not playing FPS game to mouseover everything; I just want to see info.


You can fix this problem yourself by getting a bigger monitor or lowering the UI scale. This isn’t Blizzard’s problem to fix. They gave you the options you need.

yeah…it was better as one long list compared to this.
If youre working on something specific, check the box top right and it’ll add the recipe/etc to your quest log so you can click on that instead of having to keep opening it all backup

correction: the “entire” new UI is terrible :wink:


well…that might not be entirely accurate.

I can fit the AH and the crafting UI on my screen with no problems. This is a player issue.

I have a bigger monitor and a lower scale. It does not affect the size of the crafting window by much.

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Do not reply to the troll.


It’s certainly enough to fit both windows on the screen.

Nah I’m on a 27 inch desktop monitor and it takes up a massive amount of real estate. It feels like this was done to make it so only the crafting menu can be opened and you can’t have it + the AH open at the same time.