New covenant mess

can anyone confirm that next patch if you switch cov (assuming youre at 80 renown) that you have to buy a renown token to boost the other cov to 40 AND THEN REGRIND THE OTHER 40 LEVELS?

yes this is confirmed.

how are they paid to come up with these ideas

i dont understand it

the fixes are so frustratingly simple


It’s common core math, my uncle who used to be a math teacher who now works for Blizz told me about it

80 renown for 1 Cov

Bada bing bada boom

40 renown for 2 covs

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yeah but luckily renown drops aren’t too bad. if you’re not in a rush you can max out just from arena wins

if they add future renown levels in 9.2 i think they should strip all power gains from them and just make them cosmetic/flavor rewards

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Well if you’re already 80. Swap now and start grinding for the next patch. Then you’ll also be able to free swap on 2 max ones.

Starting at 40 means more time playing the game with friends kammy. We can do torghast together for renown levels :partying_face:

i wish my dad had never let me play this game as a kid.


Pretty sure the Comp Stomp starts that same day too, so it will be free easy renown. I get it being dumb to grind it all though. You also have to do the campaign if you haven’t on another toon. Like I have Kyrian left so I’d have to do that if I swapped.

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No you dont

  • Reaching 80 Renown no longer requires completing the Shadowlands Covenant Campaign.

Imagine how easy our lives would be if there was only 20 renown and we could grind it all just by pvping.

sorry bro there’s still unfruitificated women in in game art to be fixed

Yes you do

That just says you get the renown from the campaign immediately. Nothing about requiring the campaign to hit renown 80

I’ll adopt you. But you have to share a bunk bed with my grandson, Bramot, you may have heard of him. He gets top bunk though as he’s a blood relative.


You have to do the campaign to unlock your soulbinds though. So, sure, hit 80 renown without doing the campaign that would give you a renown emblem for each chapter completed.