New Computer! Where do I even begin?

BTW I have a priest are you heals or Shadow? I love priest this xPac.

Yup. Prices are nuts here. RTX 3060 at almost $1000

Page 2 onwards

Holy. This toon is former main. Playing at Frostmourne server.

Well I can help you out when things bounce back a littleā€¦ I can order here and send it if you wantā€¦ at least you wonā€™t pay outrageous price.

I already have 3080. Bought on Nov 2020. Thanks though.

Recommending custom gaming rig is difficult due to extremely high GPU prices.

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Iā€™m back on horde by the way. I have hooves back again

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I see. On the edge of the cliff right now. This xpac is so bad I want to quit.

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Well getting anything done on Alliance was near impossible so much like Ariel said in The Little Mermaid " I want to go where the people are"

You might as well just quit and wait for a 9.1. My wife just started playing and she picked on dead so itā€™s just as well I am in back on horde. She said all the alliance races were too cartoony for her whatever that means LOL

It wasnā€™t that bad until this xpac. I have horde toon but did not bother to level it due to Torghast wall. If they expect everyone to run Torghast 234921983034 times to get alts up to date on Legendary, they are mistaken.

Yeah I donā€™t even have a legendary I refuse to ever go back into torghast

I went in there twice for my Covenant and Iā€™m never going back. That tower has to be the one thing in this expansion that I dislike the most

Been playing wow 16 yearsā€¦ when has this EVER NOT happened? Literally EVERY xPAC you need to level alts to do EXACTLY that run dailies, run RAID, run dungeons run questā€¦ to level ALTS at least this time around they have some catch up facility and it worksā€¦ I have a couple of ALTs that were leveled quicklyā€¦

At least Torghast has appearance gear and other bonus that you can achieve while you level, so run it many timesā€¦ it gets boring but itā€™s ALWAYS been a chore to run things over and overā€¦ been this way since WoW startedā€¦ primary reason I play my main and my alts collect dust mostlyā€¦ I want to play doesnā€™t matter which main as long as I am playingā€¦

You can thank Crypto mining for the high demand and price increase on High end graphics cards

Well thatā€™s part of it. Increased demand from people being home due to the pandemic kind of helped get the ball rolling.